West Anglian Orienteering Club

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Summer League Results 2011

The scoring below is based on these rules. Please let me know if you see any mistakes or have any questions.

Class leaders are highlighted. Congratulations to the winners and thank you all for taking part.

Ben Holland

                                  Aversley    Harlton    Cherry     Ferry    Bar    Coldhams     TOTAL
                                                         Hinton    Meadows   Hill    Common    
    John Marshall           SM      100        100         100       100     100        98        598
    Ben Holland             SM       97         60          95        93      98       100        543
    David Cottingham        SM       76         60          92        86      80       100        494
    Peter Duthie            VM       60         60         100                92        75        387
    Bruce Marshall          VM       49         55          60                78        85        327
    Helen Bickle            SW       25                     78                62       100        265
    Roger Horton            VM       90                               65                82        237
    Peter Allen             VM       43         25          50        50      33        25        226
    Emma Holland            SW      100         30          69                                    199
    Stephen Borrill         VM       93                                                 95        188
    Mike Bickle             VM      100                                                 81        181
    Rakesh Chandraker       VM                              97                          76        173
    Ian Stemp               VM                  30                                     100        130
    Ursula Oxburgh          VW       39         30                            60                  129
    Peter Haynes            SM                                                69        60        129
    Steve Hinshelwood       SM       98                                       25                  123
    Sarah Boffey            SW       25         26          34        37                          122
    Maria Marshall          VW       50                     60                                    110
    Ben Green               SM                                                25        82        107
    Lindsey Freeman         VW      100                                                           100
    James Haynes            JM                                               100                  100
    Tom Hemingway           JM                                       100                          100
    Maurice Hemingway       VM                                       100                          100
    Cath Pennington         VW       48                     50                                     98
    Hally Hardie            VM       36                               60                           96
    Seonaid Dudley          VW       46                                                 50         96
    Peter Woods             VM                                                92                   92
    Russ Ladkin             SM       90                                                            90
    Bob Hill                VM                                        81                           81
    Andrew Stemp            JM                  30                                      50         80
    Tony Bishop             VM       50         28                                                 78
    Matthew Haynes          JM                                                69                   69
    Alison Sleigh           SW                              50                                     50
    Pam Hemingway           VW                                        50                           50
    Catherine Hemingway     JW                                        50                           50
    Hazel Bickle            VW       49                                                            49
    Ian Smith               VM                  37                                                 37
    Jean Sinclair           VW       25                                                            25
    Rachel Pocock           VW                                                25                   25

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