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Jabberwaoc - February 2000






Included in this issue is a summary of 2 proposals by Andrew Kelly (the BOF English Orienteering Development officer) that, if accepted, will affect all orienteers, especially juniors. It is the proposed change to the junior classes at Badge events that is the most radical with their classes being replaced with a Colour Coded structure. For more details please read the article on pages 6 & 7 and let us know what you think of them (whether for or against). If you don't let us know we can only assume that you agree with them, we already have some comments but we are always interested in getting as many as possible. If you wish to discuss this with members of the committee then why not come along to the AGM on 4 March (further details on page 5) and also find out more about what goes on in your club.

The views expressed in Jabberwaoc do not necessarily represent those of the Committee Members or the Editors


Chairman's Chat (Ursula's Utterings)

March is Club month for WAOC

First, on 4 March is the AGM. Please make a date now for the evening of Saturday, 4 March in Cambridge (travel instructions elsewhere in JabberWaoc). Why? Because it will be fun and there will be lots and lots of prizes, and mulled wine and......

You can start off with Street-O; but you will have to rush back to try out the special WAOC O- and not-so-O games, suitable for ALL ages (definitely) and abilities and strictly non-competitive (if you believe that you'll believe anything!). Then before you have time to turn round there will be the AGM itself, with reports from Anne Duncumb on membership, Alan Milne on our finances and me on the general 'state of the nation'. There will be lots of opportunities for you to quiz us and tell us what you think - that is really what an AGM is about and there are spaces on the committee and jobs on offer for anyone who would like one. The meeting will end with the handing out of prizes - there will be a bumper crop this year, including perhaps some unexpected ones. Then comes the food (largely provided by you!) and the mulled wine and Coke (anything else to drink? - just let me know and it will be there). We'll keep things moving along at a good pace so we shall be finished in good time. I hope to see lots of new faces, so come along and see what we are like when we are not rushing round the forest like headless chickens (speak for yourself, Madame Chairman!).

Then two weeks later, on 19 March, is the regional round of the CompassSport Cup, and this is the other date for your diary. This is the first stage of a national inter-club competition and is to be held this year at Wakerley Great Wood, near Stamford. Clubs compete against one another on 6 courses, from Brown down to Orange. There will be 8 clubs competing, and some of them are very strong. We can make a really good showing (why not win for a change?) IF we get everyone out. Our first three runners count on the Senior courses and our first two on the Junior ones, so everyone, get training so you can go that bit faster. Ian Jones, WAOC captain, is still away in foreign parts, but he will be back soon. He will be co-ordinating the club effort and will be able to pre-book start times for you. Don't wait for him to call you, but drop him a line at [address removed from online edition]

Parking space is limited and expensive at £2.00 per car, so try to double up. For the old hands, the mapper (who first mapped Wakerley in 1973 producing one of the very first coloured maps as we emerged from the black and white dark ages) tells me that Wakerley is much more runnable than it used to be and, for everyone, that the worst brambles are on the way from the parking to the start, so don't get discouraged!

We had no Midland Night Champions this year, but congratulations to our East Anglian Champions: Philip Humphries (M10), Simon Gardner (M12), Neil Northrop (M18), Graham Watson (M21), Neil Humphries (M40), Chris Morley (M60), Maurice Capper (M75), Helen Gardner (W14), Viki Pap (W20), Ursula Oxburgh (W65). Because we were the club with the most EA Champions we won the Icenian Trophy, beating SOS into second place, with NOR third.

So well done WAOC - now let's do ourselves justice in the CompassSport Cup!

Ursula Oxburgh


First Officers Report (in the absence of the Captain)


Category        Pos    Name                   Points
-----------     ---    ------------------     ------
Junior Male      1     Peter Gardner          4173
                 2     Steven Lawson          4055
                 3     Martin Humphries       3940 

Junior Female    1     Helen Gardner          4182
                 2     Blanka Sengerova       3993
                 3     Stephanie Gash         3931  

Senior Male      1     Neil Humphries         4303
                 2     Rolf Crook             4198
                 3     Ian Jones              4188      

Senior Female    1     Julia Carpenter        4016
                 2     Penny Bickle           3033
                 3     Viki Pap               2063  

Veteran Male     1     Chris Morley           4206
                 2     Peter Ryall            4052
                 3     Jan Saxl               4043              

Veteran Female   1     Nicola Gardner         4062 
                 2     Sue Woods              3973
                 3     Maria Marshall         3944  

A full list the WAGAL 99 is printed later in this Jabberwaoc.

EA Champions

Philip Humphries  M10             Chris Morley    M60
Simon Gardner     M12             Maurice Capper  M75
Neil Northrop     M18             Helen Gardner   W14
Graham Watson     M21             Viki Pap        W20
Neil Humphries    M40             Ursula Oxburgh  W65

Congratulations to all our club and regional champions.

1999 Final BOF Rankings

Class   Posn    Name           Points           Class  Posn   Name         Points
-----   ----    ------------   ------           -----  ----   -----------  ------
M21    =105     G Watson       3098             M55     36    C Morley     3364    
M21     109     I Jones        3087             M55     51    D Peregrine  3219    
M21     116     I Renfrew      3037             M55     56    T Bishop     3190    
M21     136     R Crook        2903             M55    124    H Hardie     2702    
M35      47     N Humphries    3223             M65     38    C Curtis     3317    
M35      59     D Wotton       3072             M65     73    R Oxburgh    2516    
M35      80     S Hinshelwood  2915             W20     27    P Bickle     3082    
M35      81     M Capper       2902             W21     31    A Weeds      3213    
M35      96     M Wadeson      2828             W40     72    N Gardner    2725    
M40    =140     M Gardner      2825             W45     11    L Freeman    3463    
M40     159     M Capper       2723             W45     21    J Ryall      3227    
M40    =169     A Wadeson      2681             W45     27    N Ives       3144    
M45      25     R Beard        3524             W45     30    M Weldon     3129    
M45     =84     C Brown        3085             W45     58    O Brown      2856    
M45     147     S Thomas       2878             W45     65    A Jones      2773    
M45     199     D Jones        2645             W55     39    S Peregrine  3092    
M50      88     M Mann         3157             W60     38    M Palmer     2579    
M50     116     M Bickle       3022             W65     16    U Oxburgh    3168    
M50     228     P Ryall        2547 

West Anglian Orienteering Club
Annual General Meeting 2000

Date:        Saturday, 4 March 2000
Time:        7:00 pm
Location:    St Matthews Church Hall. 
             St Matthews Street, Cambridge


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Chairman's report
  3. Acceptance of Accounts
  4. Election of officers
  5. Awards / Presentations
  6. Any other business

    This is your opportunity to influence the activities of the club, make suggestions, ask questions and perhaps even put yourself forward as a committee member.

    As well as being the annual formal meeting of the club, it's also a good social get-together and an opportunity to meet other club members in a rather more congenial environment than a cold, wind-swept assembly area.

    To help the social side along a bit, there'll also be a finger buffet. Please bring a contribution, either sweet or savoury (e.g. quiche, crisps, nuts, sausages-on-sticks, cake, etc.). There'll also be games and quizzes and, if the weather's suitable, some Street-Orienteering, so bring along your trainers and suitable clothes for a half-hour walk/run around the streets of Cambridge.

    There will also be an opportunity to purchase WAOC O-gear (O-tops, sweatshirts etc.).

    Directions to the church hall:

    If coming from the south and heading north along East Road, just past the Warner cinema at the traffic lights (left at these lights take you into the Grafton Centre car park) turn right into St Matthews Street.

    If coming from the north and heading south along Elizabeth Way, go straight across at the Newmarket Road roundabout and turn left at the next set of traffic lights into St Matthews Street.

    Once in St Matthews Street, at the mini roundabout go straight on. At this point you should see the church and church hall next door ahead of you.

    Parking available at the Grafton Centre car park on East Road or on St Matthews street by the church hall (there is also a small car park just behind the church hall off Petworth Street).


    Proposed changes to Badge and colour-coded events

    Andrew Kelly, the BOF English Orienteering Development officer has been reviewing the competition structure in the UK, especially with regard to how it provides incentives to juniors to improve their skills or even just to remain in the sport. He has now made a series of proposals that he is asking clubs to consider, and which will then be presented to BOF technical committee as recommendations for change.

    Clubs are being asked to comment on these proposals. Although the proposals are intended to have greatest impact on juniors, they also affect the provision of courses at events for all age groups, and so concern everyone.

    The WAOC committee would like your views on the proposals. Neil Northrop (M18) has already commented on the proposals. We would especially like to hear the views of our junior members, and not just those who regularly achieve Gold standard and better, but all juniors: the proposals are intended to provide greater incentive to those who don't do so well under the current system.

    Andy Kelly's proposals are quite long and detailed, so I can only summarise them here. I've put a copy of Andy's original document on the WAOC website, in the orienteering links page, which you can read online or download. It's an .rtf file so should be readable by most PCs.


    Colour-coded events

    The problems, as Andy sees them:

    Andy's proposals:


    Badge events

    The problems, as Andy sees them:

    Andy's recommendations are:


    The BOF Badge structure

    (Note: this was a bit confused in Andy's document. This is what I think he's proposing. I think it only applies to juniors - I'm not sure.)

    Integrate the colour coded and badge schemes together for juniors as follows:


    What do you think?

    Although the WAOC committee understands Andy's point of view, we're not convinced that all these proposals are necessary. Andy sometimes comments that planners not following the existing guidelines cause many of the problems. Surely, instead of changing the system, existing guidelines should be enforced by the controllers? If the current guidelines are not being followed, what likelihood is there that new guidelines will be followed?

    Julia comments that it's confusing to abandon Light Green and shift down all the other colours. Why not simply rename Light Green (to Turquoise, say) and leave the other colours alone?

    Neil Northrop commented that shortening the junior courses, or allowing juniors to remain at one level will eventually cause a big jump when they finally move into M/W21. OK, we might lose one or two each year now, but this will simply be replaced by losing a lot when they move to senior competition. Also, (my comment), existing guidelines already state that, at Badge events, the "B" course of one age class should be exactly the same course as the "A" class of the next level down, so that competitors can, even now, continue running on a course of a level they are comfortable with by switching to the "B" class when they move up an age group.

    Replies can be emailed, or phoned, to the Jabberwaoc editors or any other committee member. Or contact Andy Kelly direct.

    Let's hear from you.

    Dave Wotton



    A new year, a new century and debatably a new millennium. So it's time to make a new resolution to get fit and do better at orienteering. This year I intend to put on another series of training events to help you practise those techniques I described in last years Jabberwaoc (and which are on the training web page). Hopefully they will be lots of fun too.

    The first event is on 4 March at the AGM I am putting on a street-O, which although somewhat different from normal orienteering will get you thinking while you are running.

    In January I attended a first aid course which was excellent and organised by Dick Towler of NOR. Steve Williams also attended, so now you can feel confident that if you do have the misfortune to hurt yourself while orienteering, there are at least 2 WAOC members who should be able to take care of you.

    Having made contact with Dick Towler (who happens to be the NOR club coach), I spoke to him about doing joint training events with WAOC and am happy to say he has agreed to invite WAOC to his next training in an interesting part of Norfolk on 16 April. For more details contact Dick or myself nearer the time.

    Following the success of last year's Radio-O event, I will be putting on another at Rowney in the early summer. At this event I also hope to have maps of the colour coded courses from the last WAOC event there so you can re-run a course or try a different one, perhaps thinking about a particular technique you feel you need practice at.

    I am also trying to organise a training weekend in the Lake District. This will hopefully be in July, but July and August are already getting busy.

    Any suggestions for training events or techniques you'd like to practise are gratefully received.


    Proposed Training Schedule 2000

    At training events I put on in areas where we have had WAOC colour coded/badge events, I hope to provide maps of the courses from these events as well as providing the specific training exercise mentioned below. This will allow you to re-run your course perhaps thinking about a particular technique, or simply try a different course.

    The cost of training events will typically be £1.00 for adults and 50p for juniors, except where I need to cover extra costs such as where extra equipment is needed (e.g. radios for radio-O).

    Date/time Location Techniques
    4th March AGM, Cambridge Street O, plus indoor exercises
    16th April, 10am Pretty Corner, Sheringham Training Day provided by NOR
    28th May (TBC), 10am Rowney Warren Radio-O, relay
    Summer Gallopen Therfield Heath Brown only, line event
    July/August (TBD) Lake District Training Weekend
    October (TBD) Bush Heath Map memory, control hanging

    Please note, this schedule is only correct as of the date Jabberwaoc was published (Feb 2000) and may become out of date. For an up-to-date version of the training schedule, refer to the training schedule web-page.


    Training Weekend (Lake District)

    I am hoping to organise a training weekend again this year, where similar to last year we will stay in an outdoor centre and have exercises on different areas on Saturday and Sunday.




    WAOC Events and Officials 2000

    This is a list of the WAOC events and officials for 2000. If you would like to volunteer for any of the 'vacancies' then contact the Events Convenor, Bruce Marshall.

    The Organiser always requires help to run an event, so if you have an hour to spare on the day why not make the Organisers day with a phone call to volunteer your services.

    26 March 2000  Thetford Warren       Organiser(s):   Bickle Family
                   Colour Coded          Planner:        Fred Northrop
    7 May 2000     Chicksands Wood       Organiser:      Neil Humphries
                   Ltd Colour Coded      Planner:        Jeff Green
    2 July 2000    Brandon Park          Organiser:      Steve Hinshelwood
                   Junior Inter-         Planner:        Neil Humphries
                   Regional Relays
    10 Sept 2000   Priory Park           Organiser(s):   VACANT
                   Try-O                 Planner(s):     VACANT
    8 Oct 2000     Rowney Warren         Organiser(s):   VACANT
                   Colour Coded          Planner:        Peter Woods
    26 Nov 2000    Maulden Wood          Organiser(s):   VACANT
                   Colour Coded          Planner(s):     VACANT
    17 Dec 2000    Therfield heath       Organiser(s):   VACANT
                   Ltd Colour Coded      Planner:        Graham Louth    

    Events so far 2000

    Event               Organiser(s)    Planner(s)      Controller(s)     String
    ----------------    --------------- --------------  -------------     ---------
    Bush Heath Woods    Anne Duncumb    Tim Mulcahy     Garry Moore       Linda Gash
    Therfield Heath     Richard Gibbens Chris & Leonie  Bruce Marshall  


    Fixture list: Local, regional and selected national events

    Please note, the fixtures shown on this page are the same as the ones in the printed edition of Jabberwaoc, but they have been extracted from the official BOF fixture list on 29th February 2000, rather than being a straight copy from the printed Jabberwaoc. This means there may be some minor changes in format or content. Where changes in content occur, it is likely that this version is more accurate than the printed version, as it will be slightly more up to date.

    Warning: This page is not updated, so the information in it is only correct as of 29th February. For up to the minute information try the following pages:

    Colour Coded events normally have registration from 10:00 to 12:00 with starts from 10:30 to 12:30. Full Colour Coded events include courses from Yellow to Brown and will normally have a White and/or String course. Limited Colour Coded events will normally omit the longer courses although in some areas the more technical courses may be omitted.

    Badge events provide age related courses and normally require pre-entry. If entry on the day (EOD) is possible it will normally be restricted. A limited range of Colour Coded courses may also be available; this will normally be entry on the day. Club members are welcome at Badge events although they are expected to become BOF members after attending 3 events outside their region. SEF indicates that a standard BOF entry form is acceptable.

    National events are only open to BOF members. Details of BOF membership can be obtained from the membership secretary, Anne Duncumb (Duncumb@compuserve.com).

    Night event details vary considerably; it would be advisable to check with the event organiser.


    WAGAL 1999: Maulden Woods, 12 December 99

    Due to WAOC and SOS being involved with the Junior Inter Club Championship final at Shipley the numbers were significantly lower than could be expected at this event.

    The main comments from competitors appeared to be about the map needing to be revised, especially the vegetation.

    It is hoped that the map will be completely revised before the next event in November 2000. If anybody would like to volunteer to help with the re-mapping then please contact the committee.

    Points from Maulden

    Name            Class   Time    min/km  Course  min/km  Points
    --------------  -----   ------- ------  ------  ------  ------
    M Bickle        M50     0:55:06 08:29   Blue    06:59   1060
    C Morley        M55     0:35:21 08:50   Green   07:02   1058
    Mike Capper     M40     1:06:55 08:04   Brown   07:11   1054
    C Curtis        M65     0:44:41 11:10   Green   07:12   1053
    J Ryall         W45     1:36:44 11:39   Brown   07:14   1053
    S Hinshelwood   M35     1:06:50 08:03   Brown   07:29   1045
    N Ives          W45     1:16:19 11:44   Blue    07:35   1042
    R Crook         M21     1:04:30 07:46   Brown   07:46   1036
    R Oxburgh       M65     0:48:40 12:10   Green   07:51   1034
    S Woods         W40     0:44:50 11:13   Green   08:04   1027
    M Bradley       W55     0:56:55 14:14   Green   08:07   1026
    I Smith         M40     0:58:34 09:01   Blue    08:21   1019
    B Hill          M40     0:58:56 09:04   Blue    08:24   1017
    T Wilson        M50     1:06:38 10:15   Blue    08:26   1016
    S Gash          W16     0:46:56 11:44   Green   08:27   1016
    J Saxl          M50     1:09:55 10:45   Blue    08:51   1004
    P Ryall         M50     1:11:01 10:56   Blue    08:59   999
    B Marshall      M45     1:07:32 10:23   Blue    09:05   996
    A Duncumb       W65     1:17:11 19:18   Green   09:08   995
    R Saxl          W50     1:03:03 15:46   Green   09:40   979
    L Gash          W40     0:56:12 14:03   Green   10:07   965
    M Marshall      W45     1:01:42 15:26   Green   10:17   960
    C Woods         W12     0:46:22 14:03   Orange  10:37   950
    B Newton        M45     0:47:07 11:47   Green   10:38   950
    Helen Bickle    W18     1:01:22 15:20   Green   11:33   922
    A Wright        M14     0:40:30 12:16   Orange  11:58   909
    I Lawson        M45     1:29:22 13:45   Blue    12:02   908
    Hazel Bickle    W45     1:12:19 18:05   Green   12:03   907
    P Pennington    M50     1:00:48 15:12   Green   12:55   881
    C Bell          M50     0:49:31 15:58   Lt Grn  14:01   848
    M Collins       M21     0:40:39 13:07   Lt Grn  14:34   831
    G Cole          M50     1:09:48 17:27   Green   14:49   824
    A Harries       M50     0:59:46 18:07   Orange  17:27   744
    J Lawson        M12     0:35:25 18:38   Yellow  18:38   708
    S Bickle        W16     0:54:26 28:39   Yellow  25:36   499
    Mean Points:     988    Mean Time: 09:02   Std Dev: 01:39  
    Ideal Mean Time: 08:58

    Overall points table

    Pos     Name            Class   Ev      Total   Thet    Ampt    Chick   Rown    Mild    Mauld
    ---     --------------- -----   --      -----   ----    ----    -----   ----    ----    ----- 
    1       N Humphries     M35     4       4303    1083(*) 0       1056    1081    1083    0       
    2       C Morley        M55     4       4206    1060    0       0       1060(*) 1028    1058    
    3       R Crook         M21     6       4198    1016    976     1037    1058    1067    1036    
    4       I Jones         M21     4       4188    1034    1066    1024    1064    0       0       
    5       H Gardner       W14     4       4182    1078    1078(*) 1008    1018    0       0       
    6       P Gardner       M14     4       4173    1024    1059(*) 0       1031    1059    0       
    7       D Wotton        M35     6       4158    1041    903     1001    1023    1047    1047(*)    
    8       S Williams      M35     4       4110    1001    1042    1012    1055    0       0       
    9       N Gardner       W40     5       4062    997     1027(*) 989     1011    1027    0       
    10      Steven Lawson   M18     4       4055    993     1021    1027    0       1014    0       
    11      P Ryall         M50     5       4052    920     1023    1026    1004    0       999     
    12      J Saxl          M50     5       4043    1005    972     1030    0       1004    1004    
    13      B Marshall      M45     5       4042    973     0       11019   1008    1019    996     
    14      T Wilson        M45     5       4035    1003    0       991     988     1025    1016    
    15      J Carpenter     W21     5       4016    962     1033    0       983     967     1033(*)    
    16      B Sengerova     W16     4       3993    0       1022    1020    974     977     0       
    17      I Smith         M40     4       3986    976     0       0       993     998     1019    
    18      S Woods         W40     6       3973    987     973     984     975     952     1027    
    19      M Marshall      W45     5       3944    1002    0       1002(*) 902     980     960     
    20      A Duncumb       W65     4       3941    1023    0       951     0       972     995     
    21      M Humphries     M12     5       3940    872     955     940     1023    1022    0       
    22      S Gash          W14     4       3931    985     988     0       942     0       1016    
    23      L Gash          W40     4       3865    932     966     0       1002    0       965     
    24      S Gardner       M12     4       3847    949     973(*)  0       952     973     0       
    25      Maurice Capper  M75     4       3800    1032    0       938     885     945     0       
    26      Helen Bickle    W16     6       3684    926     925     908     911     906     922     
    27      Hazel Bickle    W45     4       3683    947     955     874     0       0       907     
    28      T Wilkinson     M45     4       3673    0       953     884     901     935     0       
    29      M Gardner       M40     4       3593    952     952(*)  0       788     901     0       
    30      I Lawson        M45     5       3592    881     852     0       871     932     908     
    31      C Woods         W12     5       3585    894     823     853     888     0       950     
    32      P Humphries     M10     4       3472    800     758     0       844     1070    0       
    33      C Bell          M45     4       3461    830     0       851     932     0       848     
    34      N Northrop      M18     3       3161    1036    0       0       1064    1061    0       
    35      Mike Capper     M40     3       3154    1046    0       0       0       1054(*) 1054    
    36      M Bickle        M50     3       3153    1044    1049    0       0       0       1060    
    37      C Curtis        M60     3       3152    1049    0       0       0       1050    1053    
    38      J Ryall         W45     3       3149    1015    0       1081    0       0       1053    
    39      I Wadeson       M18     3       3094    1034    0       1065    995     0       0       
    40      S Hinshelwood   M35     3       3049    0       0       928     0       1076    1045    
    41      B Hill          M40     3       3045    0       0       0       1021    1007    1017    
    42      P Bickle        W20     3       3033    994     1034    1005    0       0       0       
    43      D Jones         M45     3       3017    0       0       971     1027    1019    0       
    44      Tweedledum      M40     3       3016    1003    994     0       1019    0       0       
    45      Tweedledee      M35     3       3008    1027    951     0       1030    0       0       
    46      P Woods         M40     3       2944    959     0       971     0       1014    0       
    47      G Louth         M35     3       2938    970     0       0       977     991     0       
    48      R Saxl          W50     3       2875    0       986     0       0       910     979     
    49      A Harries       M45     4       2769    0       657     523     0       845     744     
    50      P Pennington    M50     3       2609    0       0       839     889     0       881     
    51      G Cole          M50     3       2568    0       893     0       851     0       824     
    52      I Scott         M21     3       2496    773     888     0       835     0       0       
    53      J Lawson        M12     3       2348    0       0       672     0       968     708     
    54      M Collins       M21     3       2226    0       0       0       607     788     831     
    55      G Watson        M21     2       2159    0       0       0       1073    1086    0       
    56      S Hardy         M45     2       2127    0       1070    0       1057    0       0       
    57      J Green         M21     2       2096    0       0       0       1047    1049    0       
    58      M Bright        W60     2       2089    1031    0       0       0       1058    0       
    59      A Jones         W45     2       2067    0       1039    0       1028    0       0       
    60      V Pap           W20     2       2063    0       0       0       1026    1037    0       
    61      F Northrop      M50     2       2049    0       0       0       1054    995     0       
    62      N Ives          W45     2       2034    992     0       0       0       0       1042    
    63      E Louth         M10     2       2025    0       0       0       946     1079    0       
    64      M Bradley       W55     2       2021    0       0       0       0       995     1026    
    65      J Beadle        M50     2       1968    999     0       0       969     0       0       
    66      R Oxburgh       M60     2       1962    0       0       928     0       0       1034    
    67      P Kovari        M21     2       1935    0       0       0       926     1009    0       
    68      H Christopher   W21     2       1895    0       0       0       958     937     0       
    69      C Pennington    W45     2       1893    957     0       0       936     0       0       
    70      L Andrews       M65     2       1859    0       981     878     0       0       0       
    71      S Matthews      W21     2       1838    849     989     0       0       0       0       
    72      B Newton        M45     2       1833    0       0       0       0       883     950     
    73      M Senger        M45     2       1802    0       905     0       897     0       0       
    74      P Firman        M45     2       1778    0       895     883     0       0       0       
    75      J Byford        M40     2       1721    0       0       0       873     848     0       
    76      B Bailey        W35     2       1616    0       0       0       794     822     0       
    77      M Liston        M45     1       1090    0       0       0       1090    0       0       
    78      M Mann          M50     1       1075    1075    0       0       0       0       0       
    79      M Weldon        W45     1       1064    1064    0       0       0       0       0       
    80      I Renfrew       M21     1       1063    0       0       0       1063    0       0       
    81      L Freeman       W45     1       1061    1061    0       0       0       0       0       
    82      A Bishop        M55     1       1060    1060    0       0       0       0       0       
    83      U Oxburgh       W65     1       1058    1058    0       0       0       0       0       
    84      P Watson        M45     1       1037    0       0       0       0       1037    0       
    85      S Thomas        M45     1       1034    1034    0       0       0       0       0       
    86      T Dansie        M55     1       1030    0       0       0       0       1030    0       
    87      R Harrison      M50     1       1024    1024    0       0       0       0       0       
    88      A Palmer        M60     1       1008    1008    0       0       0       0       0       
    89      D Buck          M12     1       1008    0       0       0       0       1008    0       
    90      R Horton        M50     1       1007    1007    0       0       0       0       0       
    91      D Green         M45     1       1006    1006    0       0       0       0       0       
    92      O Rees          M12     1       992     0       0       0       0       992     0       
    93      M Scutt         M45     1       982     982     0       0       0       0       0       
    94      M Brackpool     M50     1       977     0       0       977     0       0       0       
    95      E Verdegem      W10     1       972     0       0       972     0       0       0       
    96      T Howie         M35     1       969     0       0       0       969     0       0       
    97      P Howsam        M45     1       966     0       0       0       966     0       0       
    98      D Staines       M18     1       942     942     0       0       0       0       0       
    99      L Minshall      M21     1       926     0       0       0       0       926     0       
    100     K Douglas       M35     1       922     922     0       0       0       0       0       
    101     M Hadland       M10     1       921     0       0       921     0       0       0       
    102     J Howie         W40     1       912     0       0       0       912     0       0       
    103     A Wright        M14     1       909     0       0       0       0       0       909     
    104     J Verdegem      M12     1       902     0       0       902     0       0       0       
    105     M Pride         M35     1       902     0       0       0       0       902     0       
    106     R Gibbens       M35     1       889     0       0       0       0       889     0       
    107     A Eves          M35     1       874     0       0       874     0       0       0       
    108     C Scutt         W45     1       868     868     0       0       0       0       0       
    109     E Stephenson    M12     1       850     0       850     0       0       0       0       
    110     J Burgin        W10     1       848     0       0       0       848     0       0       
    111     J Burgin        M12     1       848     0       0       0       848     0       0       
    112     P Hill          M45     1       847     0       0       0       847     0       0       
    113     S Wood          M14     1       840     0       840     0       0       0       0       
    114     R Milne         M35     1       839     839     0       0       0       0       0       
    115     C Page          M45     1       833     833     0       0       0       0       0       
    116     C Louth         W35     1       831     0       0       0       831     0       0       
    117     J Batten        M50     1       826     0       0       0       826     0       0       
    118     A Smith         M10     1       800     0       0       800     0       0       0       
    119     D Carter        M40     1       788     0       0       0       788     0       0       
    120     L Firman        W18     1       779     0       779     0       0       0       0       
    121     D Staines       M14     1       769     769     0       0       0       0       0       
    122     J Nolan         W16     1       767     767     0       0       0       0       0       
    123     P Matheson      W21     1       767     0       767     0       0       0       0       
    124     C Hill          W45     1       754     0       0       0       754     0       0       
    125     P Sanger        M10     1       737     0       737     0       0       0       0       
    126     J Garner        M21     1       724     724     0       0       0       0       0       
    127     Stuart Lawson   M14     1       718     0       0       718     0       0       0       
    128     M Cockram       M35     1       675     0       675     0       0       0       0       
    129     L Verdegem      M45     1       660     0       0       660     0       0       0       
    130     P Carne         M40     1       611     0       0       611     0       0       0       
    131     S Gregson       M10     1       564     564     0       0       0       0       0       
    132     S Staines       W40     1       527     527     0       0       0       0       0       
    133     S Bickle        W16     1       499     0       0       0       0       0       499     
    134     S Orpin         W21     1       481     0       0       0       0       481     0       
    135     D Snow          M40     1       209     0       0       0       209     0       0       
    136     P Snow          M12     1       90      0       0       0       90      0       0       

    (*) Planner or Controller at the specified event. Planners and controllers are awarded a score equal to their maximum score at other events throughout the year for the event which they plan or control.



    WAOC Club merchandise for sale

    WAOC Club O-tops are now available @ £14.00 (p&p 40p extra). A complete range of sizes (1 - 7) is now available. Club sweatshirts @ £12.00 (p&p £1.00 extra) are plain black with a 7.5cm sq. WAOC motif. Sizes: S,M,L,XL.

    To order your WAOC garments just send your cheque and size requirements to Anne Duncumb.

    If you require further information about sizes etc. you can contact Anne by email: Duncumb@Compuserve.com

    Anne Duncumb (membership secretary)


    New club members

    There are six new WAOC members since the last issue of Jabberwaoc.

    Welcome to:

    • Chris Flood from Cambridge
    • Paul Goddard from Baldock
    • John Liston from RAF Honington
    • Sue Speller from Sawbridgeworth
    • Jennifer Woodward from London

    Also welcome to Jon Garner and the Greenway family, who have rejoined the Club after a break.

    We wish you all a warm welcome to WAOC and hope you enjoy your orienteering with us.



    From: Steve Williams

    Something good out of BOF

    Just a few words about the recent BOF First Aid course I attended at Hilltop, Sheringham this month. I would recommend this course to any orienteer, planners and organisers would find it especially useful as they spend more time at each event than individual competitors.

    The course is run by the Red Cross on behalf of BOF who heavily subsidise the course, the cost to the member is £50, BOF pay that and some more on top. In my opinion BOF money well spent.

    The instruction on the course is clear, in plain english and relevant to our sport, concentrating on giving first aid with minimal equipment (two hands and maybe a bandage if you're lucky).

    We as Orienteers run over mountain, moor and forest. Often far from help wearing the lightest of clothing carrying no equipment other than map, compass and whistle. This will never change but perhaps its time we thought about where help will come from should we be injured or fall ill out in the forest.

    None of us will ever carry a full first aid kit nor would I want to (it's hard enough trying to beat Ian Jones and Neil Humphries as it is without being weighed down with kit) but a suggestion from the Red Cross seems a fair compromise. If every orienteer carried one bandage stuffed behind sock or gaiter, by pooling resources a substantial first aid kit could soon be assembled on the course where and when its needed. Those who say 'not me mate' would do well to remember that it could be them by the side of the path with a gashed leg or broken bone.

    Food for thought?

    The EAOA is intending to put on another first aid course later this year. Further details will follow when known.


    WAOC membership renewal 2000

    If you wish to remain a member of WAOC and have not yet paid your subscription, please do it right away. BOF members renew through BOF, club only members pay their subs direct to Anne Duncumb.


    Schools League 2000

    This is a list of the events that will make up the Schools League this year:

    Individual events
        3 May   Kempston River Meadows, Bedford         WAOC
       10 May   Ouzel Valley, Milton Keynes             SMOC
       17 May   Stanborough Park, Welwyn Garden City    HH
       24 May   Stockgrove Park                         SMOC
        7 June  Rowney Warren, Shefford                 WAOC
       14 June  Whippendell Wood, Watford               HH

    Registration begins at 17:30 with starts from 18:00-19:00.

    These events have Yellow, Orange and Light Green courses and are open to all school children. To enter just turn up and register in the same way as for a Colour Coded event. The course you run is dependent on the school year that you are in. Details will be available at registration.

    WANTED: Planners and helpers.

    Planners are required for the 2 WAOC events at Kempston River Meadows (3 May) and at Rowney Warren (7 June). Preference will be given to junior members (assistance will be provided if required).

    Also helpers are required to assist in the running of these events. It is normally possible to get a run yourself if you wish.

    If you are able to assist in any way please contact: Steve Williams.


    Committee News

    If anybody would like to comment on any of these issues or has any other issues that they would like to bring to the committee's attention then please contact us. A list of committee members is on page 2.


    WAOC committee


    A treasurer and an equipment office are still urgently needed. If you would like to volunteer for either of these post or would like more information then please contact one of the committee members (contact details on page 2).

    AGM 2000

    This years AGM and prizegiving will be held on Saturday, 4 March 2000 at 19:30 at St Matthews Church, St Matthews Street, Cambridge.

    Event Fees

    It is intended to charge non-club/BOF members a surcharge of £1.00 at WAOC events.



    BOF Levy

    The EA committee, following representation by club representatives, has asked the Chairman to raise concerns at the BOF Council on the effects on small local based Colour Coded events because a levy increase will significantly raise entry fees.

    (At the WAOC Bush Heath event the proposed BOF levy change would have meant an increase of approx £70.00 which would have mean't the event running at a loss at the current entry fees!)


    The date has been changed to 4 June 2000 at High Lodge.

    EA Coaching

    Phil Watson has stepped down as the regions coaching representative. His replacement will be Heather Sears (NOR).

    JIRC 2000

    Overnight accommodation for the juniors in the Brandon/Thetford area is still required.


    It is intended to run another planners course at High Lodge probably in April. It is also intended to run another first aid course and a mapping course this year.

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