Compass Sport Cup Qualifier, 16th Jan

Final details for next Sunday's Compass Sport Cup qualifier at Beacon Hill near Loughborough can now be found on the LEI OC website: www.leioc.org.uk

Thank you to everyone that has let me know that they will be coming. The organisers have however decided to make the event entry on the day (EOD) rather than pre-entry, so even if you have let me know that you will be coming, everyone will need to enter on the day.

And even if you haven't let me know that you are available to compete, you can still turn up on the day, enter and run for WAOC, so please do so if you possibly can - the more of us that take part the better chance we have of going through to the national final again.

The only restriction is that WAOC competitors can only start at certain times (full list of times is on the LEI OC website), but since we have one start slot on each course approx every 6 minutes (22 start slots on each course in total) I'm not proposing to pre-allocate start times - please just go to the start when you are ready and if necessary wait for a free WAOC start slot on your course. (The busiest course is likely to be the Blue Mens course, where I'm currently expecting about 7 WAOC competitors; other courses are likely to have 5 or fewer WAOC competitors so nobody should have to wait too long for a start slot, although we obviously can't all start in the last 30 minutes!)

So far as courses are concerned, I'm happy for everyone to run the standard course for their age, or to run up, whichever you prefer (but NB if you run down then you won't score for WAOC). Standard courses are as follows:

M21, M35, M40 Brown
M20, M45, M50, M55 Blue Men
M60, M65, M70 Green Men
M75+ Short Green Vets

W21, W35, W40 Blue Women
W20, W45, W50, W55 Green Women
W60+ Short Green Vets

M/W16, M/W18 Lt Green
M/W10, M/W12, M/W14 Orange

(If anyone is unsure about which course they should enter then please just ask, either on the day or in advance).

NB Competitors on the Brown course will need a type 6 or type 9 SI card if they want full splits. WAOC doesn't have any of these (at least I don't think so), so if you don't already have one and want to use one on Sunday you will have to hire one at the event.

And finally, a reminder to pre-enter the East Anglian Championships at Croxton Heath on Sunday 30th January if you haven't already done so!

I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible next Sunday.

All the best

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