West Anglian Orienteering Club

SMILE 2010 Events

(SuMmer Introductory Low-key Events)


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These low key summer events are a good opportunity for people new to orienteering to have a taste of the sport. It's the perfect time to invite some of your friends and family along and have some fun.

Registration between 10:00 and 11:30, starts anytime between 10:30 and 12:00.

Cost: £1 per child/student and £3 per adult with no charge for a second go: just remember that you need to have finished your last course before 13.30.

You will have a choice of courses to try:

White - a short, very easy course, suitable for children, particularly Years 5 and 6 and those who have not orienteered before.
Yellow - a fairly short, easy course, suitable for more experienced children, including Years 7 and 8 and adults who have not orienteered before.
Orange - a longer, more difficult course, with some of the controls off the paths, suitable for experienced children from Years 9 and 10 and adults who understand about maps.
Timed Score - a course for experienced orienteers of all ages.

The SMILE Schools' League is running again this year and the most successful school will win the SMILE Schools' Jabberwaoc Trophy.

More information on these SMILE events is available from the SMILE co-ordinator Helen Bickle (email: ).

Next SMILE: Wimpole Hall

Extra Details:
Unusually for a SMILE, this event includes a Green course.
And remember Wimpole contains map features almost unknown elsewhere in East Anglia: contours!



Sat 24 April Coe Fen, Cambridge
Sat 22 May Crown Lakes, south of Peterborough
(An area new to SMILEs)
Sat 19 June Milton CP
Sat 26 June Wandlebury CP
Sun 4 July Wimpole Hall

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