Brandon EAL Sunday, 29 Oct 2017
Simple Splits Splitsbrowser Routegadget 2
Brown Blue Green Short Green Light Green Orange Yellow White

Planner's Comments

The turnout was very good in excess of 220 finishers and we ran short of maps on some courses towards the end. Apologies to anyone who had to wait to obtain a map, and thanks to those who donated their maps at the finish.

I do hope you all enjoyed your run at Brandon Country Park, which is what the vast majority of feedback suggested. When planning I wanted to use the most runnable parts of the forest in the central part of the map, and keep you out of the areas which had been felled in recent years. I also wanted to use areas which provided navigational challenges. In the eastern part of the map there is a large amount of features on the map, which means that even if it was a short leg you should have had to think about your navigation and map reading.

The event was held just in time as early on Sunday we noticed some signs and barriers for forestry work, which must just be about to begin on the south western edge of the map. Thank you to Ben, Zuzka, Janet and Masie the dog who volunteered to collect controls. Thank you to Clive Wilkinson who was the controller for making sure all the courses were okay. Finally thank you to Peter Allen for organising the event.

Next Event: Mildenhall South 19th November – Entries now open on Fabian4.

Oliver Hague (WAOC), Planner



9km 55 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Ben Windsor DRONGO M21 54:06
2nd Antonin Semerad DKP M20 54:07
3rd Pavel Prochazka BKO M21 54:28
4th Ben Stevens AIRE M21 55:00
5th Matthias Mahr SLOW M40 61:36
6th Abi Weeds SLOW W40 63:50
7th Roderick Mansel SUFFOC M20 69:21
8th Sean Blanchflower WAOC M40 74:11
9th Paul Beckett HAVOC M55 75:53
10th Andrew Elliott SUFFOC M45 76:54
11th Andy Gayford NOR M35 77:27
12th Jamie Dullaghan IND M21 78:41
13th Neil Carter SUFFOC M40 80:13
Par Time 81:09 - winner's time + 50%
14th Neil Rosewell SUFFOC M40 83:52
15th Michael Chopping RAFO M55 86:25
16th Tom Beskeen WAOC M21 87:03
17th Dan Safka DRONGO M21 87:22
18th Neil Brough IND M45 91:56
19th Zuzka Strakova DRONGO W21 97:49
20th Tracey Barker SOS W45 101:12
21st Sarah and Joe Bass IND W21 105:41
22nd Daniel Cowley NOR M35 105:52



7.6km 40 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Robert Campbell WAOC M50 47:27
2nd Robert Frost NOR M45 51:11
3rd Ian Renfrew NOR M45 51:40
4th Jonathan Creak SUFFOC M40 52:51
5th Graham Pigott POTOC M35 53:28
6th Thomas Bartram NOR M16 53:33
7th Will Harrison SUFFOC M55 54:47
8th Richard Pownall SMOC M55 54:50
9th Duncan Harrison SOS M45 55:04
10th John Ward NOR M45 55:56
11th Stephen Borrill WAOC M45 58:56
12th Lorant Franks WAOC M40 60:18
13th Alan Spidy NOR M50 60:45
14th Jonathan Gilbert NOR M55 61:15
15th Richard Bonnett BAOC M60 61:55
16th Andrew Henderson WAOC M50 62:23
17th Mike Capper WAO M60 64:38
18th Graham Louth WAOC M55 64:49
19th Paul Price NOR M50 64:52
20th Robin Bourne WAOC M55 64:59
21st Lizzie Rosewell SUFFOC W35 65:12
22nd Philip Bartram NOR M45 65:42
23rd Stuart Hatfield IND M35 66:38
24th Colin West SOS M60 66:39
25th Rod Mansel SUFFOC M55 68:36
26th Roger Parker NOR M60 69:33
27th Daisy Partridge SOS W18 70:04
Par Time 71:11 - winner's time + 50%
28th Michael Bickle WAOC M65 71:29
29th Philip Halford SUFFOC M60 72:11
30th David Lumby SOS M55 72:30
31st Paul Rushmer SMOC M50 73:07
32nd David Vinsen NOR M50 74:02
33rd Joanne Nell RAFO W50 74:22
34th Karen French WIM W50 75:05
35th Kevin Smith NOR M60 76:35
36th Peter Woods WAOC M60 76:50
37th Chloë Cracknell SUFFOC W16 77:28
38th Peter Waldron NOR M60 77:59
39th Philip Hague WAOC M45 79:07
40th Michael Nell RAFO M65 80:40
41st Dale Bennett HAVOC M50 84:53
42nd Paul Butt SUFFOC M50 86:59
43rd David Lyness IND M40 87:55
44th Helen Bickle WAOC W35 93:49
45th Ben Hammond SUFFOC M18 97:11
46th Nicole Petsch IND W21 97:22
47th David Humphrey WAOC M50 97:54
48th Emily Pineda-Sampson NOR W21 104:40
49th Steve Brockbank DFOK M65 110:41



5.4km 5 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Peter Warland SOS M50 42:19
2nd Andrew Hibbert HH M40 43:54
3rd Andrew French WIM M50 46:32
4th Martin Brown SUFFOC M45 47:39
5th Michael Liston NOR M65 48:10
6th Ian Shephard NOR M65 48:57
7th Peter Carlill NOR M55 49:11
8th Louise Walker SUFFOC W50 49:28
9th Nicholas Pugh SOS M65 50:12
10th Rini Hoogkamer NOR M55 51:49
11th Kieran Devine SOC M65 52:28
12th Louise Sime WAOC W40 54:42
13th Bob Hill RAFO M60 54:47
14th Paul Hearn HH M50 54:55
15th Ben Holland WAOC M35 56:00
16th Owen Warnock NOR M60 56:23
17th Tim Pribul CHIG M65 57:10
18th Mark Adams HH M50 58:22
19th Ian Smith WAOC M60 59:24
20th Janet Cronk WAOC W60 60:00
21st Sarah Mansel SUFFOC W50 60:12
22nd Eddie Banks SOS M65 60:27
23rd Lyn West SOS W60 61:00
24th Garry Parmenter HAVOC M70 61:45
25th Julia Baldwin SUFFOC W45 61:48
26th Philip Gager SROC M70 62:52
27th John Collyer SOS M70 62:55
28th Simon Hooton SUFFOC M60 63:41
29th Sally Wilkinson SUFFOC W50 64:40
30th Katharine Bartram NOR W45 65:08
31st James Austin NOR M35 66:52
32nd Kathy Haynes SLOW W60 67:04
33rd Tim Eden NOR M60 67:09
Par Time 67:09 - 50% of starters
34th Eliza Hermann HH W55 67:32
35th Ann Harris SMOC W60 68:03
36th Gillian Hanson HH W50 68:07
37th Bruce Marshall WAOC M65 68:49
38th Camilla Darwin WAOC W45 69:55
39th Jeffrey Patteson SOS M40 70:18
40th Chris Childs SOS M65 71:43
41st Ann Mills SOS W45 73:12
42nd Ceri Renouf SOS W45 75:47
43rd John Mills SOS M45 75:47
44th Ray Curtis CHIG M60 76:15
45th Clive Gristwood NOR M50 76:47
46th Derek Jenner CHIG M60 77:12
47th Shkarupa Yuroslav WAOC M21 78:14
48th Paul Lowe SUFFOC M55 78:38
49th Laurie Rudling NOR M65 78:45
50th John Ward OD M70 80:07
51st Steves Groves IND M55 81:18
52nd Barbara Beckett HAVOC W60 81:22
53rd Rachel Thomas SMOC W60 81:24
54th Sue Woods WAOC W60 81:40
55th Colin Butler SUFFOC M65 84:08
56th Rodney Freeburn NOR M75 84:14
57th Janet Biggs HAVOC W60 84:20
58th Martin Cook SMOC M60 84:31
59th Sandra & Keith Fulcher NOR W65 84:45
60th Mark Glover SMOC M35 86:54
61st Clare Bense SPOOK W55 89:24
62nd Stevie Harrison & Emily Cooper-reade IND W45 96:09
63rd John Rushmer NOR M65 121:19
64th Jean-Pierre Carraud SOS M45 125:36
mp Pauline Smith NOR W55 95:54

Short Green


3.5km 30 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Kevin Francis EBOR M35 28:07
2nd Vicky Bailey EBOR W21 30:17
3rd Kim Eden NOR W60 39:39
4th Sue Hartley WAOC W60 41:10
5th Richard Barker SOS M60 43:06
6th Samantha Franks SUFFOC W35 43:56
7th Jenny Collyer SOS W70 48:11
8th Mark Fowler NOR M45 48:13
9th Noreen Ives WAOC W60 53:05
10th Andy Gibbs IND M65 54:54
11th Ros James SMOC W55 56:43
12th Christopher Davies SUFFOC M70 57:42
13th Geraldine Russell SOS W70 57:55
14th Barbara George NOR W80 58:59
15th Hazel Bickle WAOC W65 63:02
16th Ros West CHIG W65 63:51
Par Time 63:51 - 50% of starters
17th Chris Page WAOC M65 65:32
18th Michael Dudley WAOC M80 65:43
19th John Harris WAOC M70 65:55
20th Hannah Steventon-Barnes SUFFOC W45 66:36
21st Alison Curtis CHIG W60 69:53
22nd Pat Bedder NOR W70 71:04
23rd Maria Marshall WAOC W65 73:44
24th Seonaid Dudley WAOC W75 75:55
25th John Webb SUFFOC M80 75:57
26th Sally Pribul CHIG W60 83:05
27th Ursula Oxburgh WAOC W80 85:30
28th Hally Hardie WAOC M75 93:13
29th Harriet Millward WAOC W40 110:10
mp John Russell SOS M75 73:48
mp Colin Curtis WAOC M80 78:22
mp Ruby Campbell CHIG W80 97:50

Light Green


3.7km 40 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st James Price NOR M14 29:55
2nd Jack Hammond SUFFOC M14 32:56
3rd William Bartram NOR M14 33:26
4th Barney Steventon-Barnes SUFFOC M14 41:03
5th Liam Fegarty WAOC M14 60:37
6th Tamar Hopkins SMOC W14 63:23
7th Sharon Warland SOS W50 71:33
Par Time 71:33 - 50% of starters
8th Richard Hammond SUFFOC M55 75:26
9th Patrick Thouroude WAOC M55 78:51
10th John Harvey NOR M75 81:08
11th Susanne & Eleanor Gristwood NOR W60 86:12
12th Anne Gager SROC W55 94:08
13th Julie Price NOR W50 107:59
14th Peter Bates IND M65 126:16



3.5km 15 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Oliver Prince SOS M12 30:57
2nd Theo Steventon-Barnes SUFFOC M12 34:50
3rd Maya Forsberg IND 40:21
4th Jamie Fegarty WAOC M12 48:37
5th Craig Carter SUFFOC M12 50:38
6th Ben Partridge SOS M12 52:09
7th Samuel Ferguson IND M14 52:47
8th Alison Cracknell SUFFOC W50 53:03
Par Time 53:03 - 50% of starters
9th Oskar Farkas WAOC M12 59:02
10th Lydia Marshall IND W14 60:33
11th Alesha Lowe SUFFOC W14 69:49
12th Helen Gale IND W35 70:07
13th Jane Patteson SOS W40 70:50
14th Rhiannon Creak SUFFOC W21 70:56
15th Robert and Jane Marshall IND M55 75:57
16th Angela Dix IND W21 84:04



2.2km 10 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Isaac Hopkins SMOC M10 19:09
2nd Grace French WIM W10 19:40
3rd Hebe Darwin WAOC W10 28:00
4th Cecilia Forsberg IND 28:35
5th Ben Dawkins + 1 IND W40 29:06
6th Emily Bailey + 1 IND W8 30:16
7th Amelie Patteson SOS W10 35:31
8th Dominic Brown IND M14 35:32
Par Time 35:32 - 50% of starters
9th Sebastian Gurteen SUFFOC M14 35:46
10th Alastair Brown SUFFOC M12 37:32
11th Ryan Carter SUFFOC M10 42:00
12th Robin Bailey IND M50 44:11
13th Paul Fegarty WAOC M55 44:43
14th Edward Bailey + 1 IND M10 47:17
15th Robert Schroeder + 1 WAOC M5 49:42
16th Alfred Schroeder + 1 WAOC M4 50:06
nc Timothy Fishlock WAOC M40 54:38



1.8km m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Abigail Prince SOS W10 9:27
2nd Issac and Emma Rosewell SUFFOC M6 20:29
3rd Alice French WIM W10 21:15
4th Alexander Darwin WAOC M10 22:16
5th Greta Holland WAOC W5 23:37
6th Archie Gurteen BARNARDISTON M10 23:50
7th Edmund Holland WAOC M3 28:44
Par Time 28:44 - all finishers