Thetford Warren (Thetford Thrash Day 2) Sunday, 10 Feb 2013
Simple Age Class Splits Splitsbrowser Routegadget 2
Black Brown Short Brown Blue Short Blue Green Short Green Very Short Green Light Green Orange Yellow White

Organiser's Comments

Despite the dire weather warnings on the illuminated road signs on the A11, we were lucky that the rain held off for most of the day. Nevertheless I am extremely grateful in particular to the helpers on the Start, Parking, and on Road Crossing Marshalling duty who had long stints standing in the open.

I'm no less grateful to the CUOC team, who never stood still for a second; Rakesh, who handled pre-entries for both days and who helped throughout today; and the many WAOC members who helped on the day.

I am aware of only one complaint - relating to the time some had to wait for a start slot at the beginning of the day. There were clearly more people hoping for an early start than the start block allocations indicated, so the start officials were under a lot of pressure.

The block allocation system has a lot of advantages compared to a fixed pre-allocated start time - in particular in accommodating requests on the day for changes of course, and in giving flexibility in start times for all competitors.
The reason for alternating starts at this event was to avoid having runners setting off together who had the same first control. In theory the start block allocations allowed for this. However, a small number of you were clearly very unhappy with these arrangements and so we may have to consider in future allocating fixed start times.

In contrast, I was pleased to hear many wholly positive comments from finishers about the courses. This despite Steve having to replan most of the courses at the 11th hour to avoid surprise tree felling activity.

Peter Woods (WAOC)

A note from Ian Shepard:
Could you please pass on my thanks to everybody who helped me when my camper van broke down at Thetford Warren. The clutch has failed so I was really stuck.

Many people were kind and helpful (letting me use their mobiles and pushing the van in particular) and it's much appreciated. Thanks to them I got home to Norwich with the van by about six pm.

STRING COURSE RESULTS for both days of the Thetford Thrash can be viewed


Controller's Comments

Organising a Level B Event is never easy, even if you decide well in advance then find people willing to help this does not mean the day will go smoothly.

WAOC asked me a couple of days after the JIRC last year if I would control and I, after a successful champs, agreed. The area had changed very little from the compass sport heat last year and the forestry commission had no felling or thinning planned. This looked like a good decision, and although the planning hit a few mountain bike route and fence problems these did not stop the courses coming together. Then the god of fast balls decided just 8 days before the event to throw a real curve ball. The area adjacent to the golf course and monument was to be thinned starting 2 days later 6 days before the event; this was further complicated by not being able to talk to Suffolk County Council who were planning the work until the Monday before the Event.

Steve had planned to use this area to bring all the adult courses (apart from the very shortest ones) back together and turn them for the legs back to the finish. He made really good job of re-planning and producing the master maps to send to the Printers and get then back in time for the event. I hope most of you appreciated the organiser's decision not to hold you to your start block, which was designed to allow as many of you as possible to travel home sooner. The majority of the comments on the day of the event were very positive and the weather was not as bad as was forecast just 2 days before.

The Computer team did a great job in finding a suspected lost runner who had failed to report to download, saving a time consuming search for a lost competitor.

My thanks must go to Pat Martin who helped with waking up the controls. I hope you all enjoyed your course and congratulations to WAOC on winning the Iceni Trophy.

MIchael Chopping (RAFO)

Mapper's Comments




11.9km 120 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Ben Maliphant BOK M20 70:47
2nd James Hoad CUOC M21 72:45
3rd John Ockenden CUOC M20 75:08
4th Matthew Vokes CUOC M21 75:29
5th Robert Campbell CUOC M45 77:50
6th Tom Dobra CUOC M21 84:16
Par Time 106:11 - winner's time + 50%
7th Joe Hobbs CUOC M21 120:15
8th Yehuda Alon SLOW M55 144:35



10.1km 105 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Peter Ward NGOC M40 60:42
2nd Paul Gebbett BOK M40 64:29
3rd Graeme Ambler INT M35 78:19
4th Jacob Sharpe HH M35 82:24
5th Sebastian Pugh SOS M21 83:02
6th Gavin Hurley SLOW M35 84:57
7th David Wilson RAFO M35 85:45
8th Ben Holland WAOC M35 91:10
9th Stephen Borrill WAOC M40 91:18
10th Ric Brackenbury SMOC M21 91:26
Par Time 91:26 - 50% of starters
11th Jo Reeve SLOW W21 91:45
12th Philip Hague WAOC M40 91:46
13th Neil Carter SUFFOC M35 93:25
14th Ian Wells RAFO M60 101:25
15th John Clarke SUFFOC M45 102:48
16th Tracey Apperley SOS W45 104:39
17th Andy Gibb WAOC M40 123:10
18th Gopal Chand WAOC M40 146:57
mp Hugh Hurley SLOW M21 88:52

Short Brown


7.8km 75 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st John Ward NOR M45 52:35
2nd Jon Coles MV M45 56:58
3rd Alan Hickling SAX M45 58:13
4th David Cronk WAOC M50 59:33
5th Peter Warland SOS M45 61:06
6th Paul Beckett HAVOC M50 62:10
7th Paul Fox SN M50 65:46
8th Clive Wilkinson SUFFOC M50 66:47
9th Alan Spidy NOR M45 66:57
10th Colin Swallow SN M55 71:13
11th Helen Lloyd NOR W50 74:09
12th Christopher Bailey NOR M18 76:43
Par Time 78:53 - winner's time + 50%
13th Rakesh Chandraker WAOC M50 79:07
14th Ashley May IND M45 79:33
15th David Vinsen NOR M50 82:59
16th Caroline Gay BOK W21 87:50
17th Rod Mansel SUFFOC M50 93:01
mp Tom Hemingway WAOC M18 37:26



5.9km 50 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Peter Maliphant BOK M55 43:47
2nd Martin Wilson BKO M65 46:38
3rd Roderick Mansel SUFFOC M16 47:19
4th Mick Liston NOR M60 47:25
5th Nicholas Pugh SOS M60 48:13
6th Richard Bonnett SOS M55 48:31
7th Michael Bickle WAOC M65 50:28
8th John Hurley DVO M55 51:19
9th Ian Shephard NOR M60 51:57
10th Kate Brett CHIG W45 54:27
11th John Duffield CHIG M65 55:11
12th David Lyness IND M35 56:49
13th Philip Halford SUFFOC M55 57:48
14th Simon Hooton SUFFOC M55 58:06
15th Dylan Campbell WAOC M16 58:08
16th Gerry Spalton OD M65 58:20
17th Kim Eden MOR W55 58:47
18th Ian Smith WAOC M55 59:27
19th Peter Waldron NOR M55 59:44
20th Bill Morgan NOR M60 60:29
21st John Mills SOS M40 60:35
22nd Bob Hill WAOC M55 60:42
23rd Paul Nicholls NOR M60 61:52
24th Robin Bourne WAOC M50 62:07
25th David Ball NOR M65 63:34
26th Octavia Chambers IND W21 63:42
27th Peter Woods WAOC M55 64:28
28th Helen Bickle WAOC W21 64:36
29th Simon Peck SUFFOC M55 64:42
Par Time 65:41 - winner's time + 50%
30th Peter Howsam WAOC M60 66:48
31st Ian Lawson WAOC M55 75:19
32nd Lyn West SOS W55 81:40
33rd Carly Crookes RAFO W21 97:50
34th Duncan Harrison & Lana Banham SOS M40 132:11
mp Ann Mills SOS W40 87:26

Short Blue


4.9km 45 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Tony Davies SELOC M65 41:49
2nd Glynn Smith LEI M65 42:27
3rd Tom Edelsten CHIG M70 42:31
4th Jane Archer SN W55 47:01
5th John Collyer SOS M65 48:03
6th Mark Nicholls NOR M50 48:47
7th Bill Marlow POW M65 49:33
8th Sally Wilkinson SUFFOC W45 54:39
9th Gillian Edgar HAVOC W45 55:47
10th Sarah Mansel SUFFOC W45 57:00
11th Peter Cheetham HH M55 60:38
12th David Nixon SOC M65 62:21
Par Time 62:44 - winner's time + 50%
13th Charlotte Cheetham HH W50 62:56
14th Paul Lowe SUFFOC M50 65:36
15th Rachel Oxburgh WAOC W45 65:54
16th Nicky Nicholls NOR W50 68:41
17th Liz Large NOR W45 76:23
18th Laura Allen RAFO W21 95:53
19th Raj Chand WAOC M16 104:06
20th Lakshmi Chand WAOC W35 105:10
21st Graham Ward NOR M65 107:26
22nd Philip Levi WAOC M65 180:12



4.7km 45 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Ben Windsor CUOC M21 26:17
2nd John Ward NOR M70 36:49
3rd Daisy Partridge SOS W14 40:50
4th Matthew Clarke SUFFOC M12 44:53
5th Ray Curtis CHIG M55 46:07
6th Emma Holland WAOC W21 48:12
7th Mary Nixon SOC W60 48:49
8th John Wickersham WAOC M70 49:10
9th Alice Hodkinson WAOC W40 49:24
10th John Russell SOS M70 49:56
11th Perry Mole SOS M45 51:14
12th Richard Barker SOS M60 52:46
13th Bill Butcher NOR M60 53:18
14th Ian Goodship IND M21 53:44
15th David Skinner SOS M60 54:05
16th Ella Gilbert NOR W16 54:19
17th Rodney Freeburn NOR M75 54:45
18th Stephen Nobbs NOR M55 54:45
19th John Rushmer NOR M65 57:31
20th Kristjan Kalve NOR M20 58:46
21st Peter Gay SUFFOC M70 58:50
Par Time 58:50 - 50% of starters
22nd Fred Ross AIRE M65 58:59
23rd Janet Cronk WAOC W55 59:10
24th Peter Leverington NOR M75 60:03
25th Sue Woods WAOC W55 61:11
26th Dave Timney IND M40 63:32
27th David Stanhope IND M35 66:40
28th Ben Warland SOS M16 66:58
29th Sam Nicholls NOR M16 66:59
30th Matthew Gulliver RAFO M21 67:42
31st Estella Ward NOR W60 68:40
32nd Anthony Biggs HAVOC M60 68:47
33rd Ben Rivers IND M65 70:02
34th Barbara Fothergill HAVOC W55 70:56
35th Janet Biggs HAVOC W60 72:48
36th John Harris WAOC M65 73:13
37th Dale Bennett HAVOC M45 74:35
38th Jane Howsam WAOC W60 74:38
39th Catherine Pennington WAOC W60 84:14
40th Kevin Jones RAFO M45 90:05
41st Chris Gay SUFFOC W60 102:02

Short Green


3.8km 45 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st John Evans DEE M75 42:28
2nd Jenny Collyer SOS W65 43:23
3rd Caitlin Campbell WAOC W18 47:07
4th Gill Ross AIRE W65 47:29
5th Bronwen Mansel SUFFOC W16 48:03
6th Robin Campbell CHIG M75 48:06
7th Steven John Partridge SOS M40 49:48
8th John Harvey NOR M75 50:33
9th Rachel Ambler INT W35 52:32
10th Geraldine Russell SOS W65 52:45
11th Helen Rivers IND W55 55:39
12th Alison Curtis CHIG W55 57:18
13th Thelma Spalton OD W65 58:06
14th Hazel Bickle WAOC W60 62:31
15th Clare Woods WAOC W21 63:18
Par Time 63:42 - winner's time + 50%
16th Molly Smith LEI W65 64:47
17th Jack Isbester SOS M75 64:52
18th Pam Hemingway WAOC W50 65:10
19th Colin Curtis WAOC M75 73:04
20th Leanne Bailey NOR W21 73:26
21st Lorraine Houghton WAOC W55 74:35
22nd Sue Vine NOR W70 88:34

Very Short Green


3.1km 30 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Barbara George NOR W75 52:08
2nd Ruby Campbell CHIG W75 63:05
Par Time 78:12 - winner's time + 50%
3rd Alf Timney IND M12 86:14

Light Green


3.8km 30 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Josh Partridge SOS M14 36:54
2nd Catherine Hemingway WAOC W14 40:36
3rd Ruth Parsons NOR W16 52:26
4th Jaya Chand WAOC W14 58:09
5th Lucy Carter SUFFOC W35 61:04
6th Aditya Sahu IND M21 61:45
7th Sharon Warland SOS W45 63:36
8th Laura Hurley SLOW W21 63:52
9th Catherine Mole SOS W14 64:26
Par Time 64:26 - 50% of starters
10th Oliver Hague WAOC M14 71:01
11th Dominic Vinsen NOR M14 73:20
12th Bryn Pedrick IND M21 89:47
13th Kevin Dale + 1 IND M50 96:14
14th Patrick Schrader-Bidwell + Louis Allen IND M14 110:47
15th Duncan Pedrick IND M14 113:44
mp Daisy Savery NOR W16 49:29
mp Jocelyn Brett CHIG W14 94:11
mp Ian Pickering WAOC M55 223:18



3km 20 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Sam Hague WAOC M12 30:53
2nd Andrea Marlow POW W60 33:29
3rd Oscar Wilkinson LEI M10 35:07
4th Edward Low WAOC M12 35:37
5th Oliver Brett CHIG M12 42:49
Par Time 46:20 - winner's time + 50%
6th Flora Timney and Rachel Camina IND W9 50:38
7th Angus May IND M14 58:42
8th Carrington family IND 62:42
9th Martin Parsons NOR M12 63:52
10th Nadine Randell NOR W45 75:46



2.6km 20 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Daniel Hague WAOC M10 19:51
2nd Henry Gibb WAOC M6 27:34
3rd Felix May IND M10 41:49
Par Time 41:49 - 50% of starters
4th Elizabeth Ambler INT W10 41:54
5th Lucy Warland SOS W10 49:30
6th Abrial Jerram IND M10 58:11



1.7km 5 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Eleanor Low WAOC W10 15:24
2nd Tom Rowe WAOC M10 19:00
3rd Daniel Rowe WAOC M10 19:12
4th Rebecca Ward NGOC W10 20:10
5th Jonathan Ambler INT M10 20:52
6th Rachel Gibb WAOC W8 21:51
7th Jessica Ward NGOC W10 27:18
8th Ben Dawkins SO M4 34:54
9th Caroline Dawkins IND W35 35:33
10th Ben Partridge SOS M10 37:07
Par Time 37:07 - all finishers