Jesus Green Wednesday, 21 Mar 2012

Organiser's Comments

Very many thanks to Peter Allen who set out the grid in foursquare fashion – not an easy feat, but easier in the light (the sun was still shining when we arrived) than it would have been in the dark. The very complex route through it caused lots of problems, particularly in the dark – congratulations to David, Jacob and Stephen who cracked it and Matthew who didn’t but whose running speed and excellent route choice meant that once again he is the leader.

There were others who ran but did not hand in their sheet: if you would like me to send you the Answers Sheet please e-mail me.
I apologise for the failure of the printer yet again: we have a new battery on order but we have to wait for it to come from Germany and the pigeons are taking their time. I have now resuscitated our rechargeable sealed lead-acid battery which will ensure that in the short term we are no longer dependent on an elderly printer battery: I am full of hope that our printer problems are in the past.

Ursula Oxburgh e-mail: u.oxburgh(at)

Street O Grid Time Penalty Score

Matthew Vokes CUOC 410 0 58:43 0 410
David Maliphant CUOC 280 100 59:19 0 380
Jacob Sharp HH 270 100 61:13 20 350
Stephen Borrill WAOC 220 100 60:00 0 320
Sean Blanchflower WAOC 300 0 34:40 0 300
Brian Cowe WAOC 300 0 58:10 0 300
Hallvard CUOC 270 0 60:00 0 270
Sune Dupont BELGIUM 300 0 62:22 30 270
Tom Louth WAOC 270 0 60:00 0 270
Helen Hague WAOC 150 0 58:59 0 150
Andrea Stefkova CUOC 200 0 66:41 70 130
Helen Bickle WAOC 130 0 57:48 0 130
Alison Zsak WAOC 70 No download 70