Rowney Warren Sunday, 23 Oct 2011
Simple Age Class Splits Splitsbrowser Routegadget 2
Brown Blue Green Light Green Orange Yellow White

Organiser's Comments

Yvette Baker Trophy
Click here for the YBT results.

You might not believe that we printed additional maps on the basis that there might be a high turnout given the excellent weather, but actual numbers on some courses were off the scale of our predictions. Thanks to everyone who had to wait for a map for their patience, and to everyone who willingly donated their maps for recycling. Your co-operation meant that (as far as I know) everyone had the run they wanted.

I believe most people obtained a paper substitute for their donated waterproof map, but anyone who went home without a map can obtain one by contacting the Organiser (details below) with name, course and contact details.

Your overwhelmingly positive comments, despite the map shortage, received at Download, are much appreciated. I was very fortunate to have a team of on-the-day helpers who coped admirably with a record turnout, somewhat constricted start layout, and very busy initial session at registration. As well as WAOC club members - notably Cath Pennington, the Louth Family, Chris Morley, Robin and Owen Bourne, Steve Hinshelwood, Ben Holland, Roger Horton and Andrew and Iain Stemp, we were assisted to a great degree by volunteers from CUOC, and I'd like to thank them personally and on behalf of WAOC.
Finally, special thanks to Mike Bickle for planning, Steve Hardy for controlling, and Neil Humphries for printing the maps and producing additional copies at very short notice.
Peter Woods (WAOC)

Contact the Organiser on 07970 785170 or

Planner's Comments

I hope you enjoyed your runs and the weather.
Rowney is one of the few of our forest areas with topography and dry and sandy soil. It also has an ever expanding path network which makes it hard to plan technically hard courses although the intricate path network can be challenging and akin to a city race. Although some areas of open forest remain, much has significant and just runnable bracken at this time of year but the more open areas are largely impenetrable. We are loosing control sites in the forest although Hallie Hardy pointed out that it should have been my job to dig out the pits and the depressions. I tried to plan the longer courses with a combination of complex path route choice and interesting but not impossible controls. Judging by the splits, searching for controls hidden in bracken wasn't too much of problem. For the shorter courses, I was worried that once they lost the course, competitors would wander forever along the path network. This didn't seem to happen except maybe for a couple of exceptions on the YBT courses. However 10 of the 20 competitors on the white course appeared to have trouble on the 100 m path leg from 10 to 11. It would be interesting to know what went wrong here? What ever my faults, the planning and map preparation were much assisted by the very professional help from the controller (and mapper) Steve Hardy and for map presentation and printing by Neil Humphries. Hazel and Helen helped with putting out controls.
Mike Bickle (WAOC)

Controller's Comments

As controller I was aware of the numbers of maps being printed and they seemed entirely reasonable based on turnout at recent similiar events at Rowney. However, the team coped well with the crisis and everyone, as far as I'm aware, ran the courses they wanted and had a copy of the map to keep if they wanted it. Having an experienced planner like Mike to work with makes a controller's job easy. For the most part it was just a question of checking all the Is were dotted and Ts crosssed. We were both a little concerned about the Yellow course which needed careful planning to take inexperienced competitors through Rowney's labyrinthine, and constantly changing, path network safely; on the day it seemed to do the job.
Steve Hardy (SMOC)

String Course Results

Name Age class Club Time (mins)

Armen Ricard M3 WAOC 14
Quentin Jeffrey M4 8
Lola Baldrey W6 Barnardiston 6
Ben Dostick M6 6
Gemma Dostick W11 4
William Trevor M6 6
Andrew Trevor M4 10
Phylis M3 10
Lucy Worland W8 SOC 5
Ottihe Finch W2½ 24
Isaac Whewell M2
Jacob Fisher M4 9
Ayla Fisher W3 12
Isobel Hill W10 DEE 4
Ben Partridge M5 5
Milly Askham W6 8
Richard Askham M4 8
Peter Errington M12 HH 7
Joshua & Kerra 5
Ella Darling W6 6
Chloe Cracknell W10 3
David O'Hara M8 4
Daisy Partridge W12 3
Adam O'Hara M13 3
Tom O'Hara M11 3
Joshua Buist M9 3
Ella Darling (2nd run) W6 5
Anna Darling W10 3
Alex Darling M12 3
Edward Low M9 4
Richard Ashkam (2nd run) M4 8
Milly Askham (2nd run) W6 6
Isobell Hill (2nd run) W10 DEE 3
Anthony M5 5
Catherine Hemmingway W12 WAOC 3
Joshua Buist (2nd run) M9 3
Catherine & Isabell 9



8.740km 157 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Aidan Smith SYO M16 52:09
2nd Michele Franco EREBUS M21 52:17
3rd Colin Smith SYO M45 54:30
4th Antonio Franco EREBUS M21 55:36
5th Roger Thetford JOK M45 56:24
6th Dan Findlay-Robinson SLOW M21 56:36
7th John Embrey JOK M50 56:47
8th Tim Street HH M21 58:50
9th Matthew Vokes CUOC M20 58:57
10th Neil Crickmore SO M45 59:43
11th Harold Wyber CHIG M21 59:44
12th Helen Gardner SLOW W21 59:46
13th Kevin Fielding HH M40 60:07
14th Oliver O'Brien SLOW M21 60:10
15th Ian Cumpstey JOK M21 60:29
16th Mark Adams HH M45 61:11
17th Steve Hinshelwood WAOC M45 61:12
18th Jon Marsden JOK M35 61:39
19th Simon Errington HH M45 61:58
20th Scott Collier KERNO M21 62:57
21st Ian Webb JOK M21 62:58
22nd Jonathan Albon CHIG M21 63:16
23rd Jacob Sharpe HH M35 63:23
24th Ian Ditchfield MV M55 64:43
25th Chris Wroe JOK M21 66:42
26th John Grenfell-Shaw BOK M20 66:44
27th Sean Blanchflower WAOC M35 68:41
28th Ben Green WAOC M21 70:06
29th Tom Beskeen IND M21 70:33
30th Henriette Klovstad CHIG W20 70:35
31st Dorien James SMOC M50 70:42
32nd David Cooper WAOC M45 74:14
33rd Paul Beecher WAOC M21 74:38
34th Tom Dobra CUOC M20 75:48
35th Ric Brackenbury SMOC M21 78:00
Par Time 78:14 - winner's time + 50%
36th Andrew Elliott SUFFOC M40 78:56
37th Brian Cowe WAOC M35 80:50
38th Ben Holland WAOC M21 80:55
39th Ian Byford HH M50 81:25
40th David Cronk WAOC M50 81:42
41st Logan Mills CUOC M21 81:49
42nd Philip Brown NOR M55 83:04
43rd John Marshall WAOC M40 85:42
44th Jayne Sales SLOW W21 86:47
45th Mickey Rooney WAOC M35 87:10
46th Michael Brooke IND M60 88:42
47th David Heale HH M40 89:40
48th David Cottingham CUOC M21 91:56
49th Peter Finch SOS M40 97:37
50th Ken Wickham SO M70 141:20
mp Paul Rushmer SMOC M45 93:26
mp Paul Nicholls NOR M60 97:21



6.600km 120 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st James Crawford GO M55 46:37
2nd Andrew Kelly AIRE M50 47:32
3rd Philip Eeles SOC M55 47:54
4th Charlie Whewell WAOC M21 48:54
5th Tim Beale SN M21 49:14
6th David Wallis PFO M18 51:19
7th Neil Humphries WAOC M50 51:35
8th John Britton MDOC M60 51:49
9th Jon Coles SUFFOC M40 51:50
10th Stephen McKinley SN M45 53:22
11th John Van Rooyen SAX M60 54:50
12th Ruth Holmes JOK W21 55:46
13th Neil Gostick HH M45 56:14
14th Richard Bonnett BAOC M55 57:29
15th Colin Webster HH M60 57:33
16th Paul Street SLOW M55 57:35
17th Tin Lok Wong CUOC M21 58:28
18th Graham Louth WAOC M45 59:32
19th Martin Hore SUFFOC M60 59:57
20th Mike Bennett HH M55 59:58
nc Samuel Fielding (2nd run) HH M14 60:11
21st Richard Hill DEE M45 60:50
22nd Will Harrison SUFFOC M50 61:42
23rd Clive Wilkinson SUFFOC M45 62:38
24th Ronan Cleary LOK M50 62:38
25th Helen Errington HH W50 63:10
26th Carol Edwards TVOC W50 63:35
27th Martin Wilson BKO M60 64:11
28th Roger Moulding HH M65 64:31
29th Rod Postlethwaite WRE M55 64:42
30th Graham Perry HH M45 65:07
31st Rachel Pocock WAOC W40 65:14
32nd Keith Downing SMOC M55 67:09
33rd Sarah Brown SLOW W55 67:39
34th Ian Smith WAOC M55 68:13
35th Bob Hill WAOC M55 68:23
Par Time 69:56 - winner's time + 50%
36th Iain Stemp WAOC M45 70:27
37th Keith Marsden HH M65 71:51
38th Peter Waldron NOR M55 72:48
39th Alison Gourd SUFFOC W40 73:05
40th Paul Langston HH M55 73:14
41st Nigel Low WAOC M40 73:57
42nd Rod Mansel SUFFOC M50 75:03
43rd Catherine Hill DEE W45 75:26
44th Colin Drury SYO M60 75:26
45th Neil Eaton WAOC M45 75:56
46th Susan Crickmore SO W45 76:08
47th David Phillips IND M50 76:46
48th Harriet Burdett CUOC W20 77:15
49th Edwin Banks SOS M55 77:30
50th Sarah Mansel SUFFOC W45 77:42
51st Haydn Leaker SMOC M55 77:44
52nd Frances Cooper WAOC W45 80:32
53rd Helen Bickle WAOC W21 80:36
54th Todd Fallesen SLOW M21 82:42
55th Mark Stead IND M40 85:22
56th Barry Breed HH M65 85:33
57th John Williams SOS M55 86:44
58th Andrew Mason IND M45 87:02
59th David Nixon SARUM M65 88:25
60th Peter Ryall WAOC M60 89:26
61st John Wickersham WAOC M65 91:55
62nd Sabrine Verjee & Lindsey Arrick IND W21 94:12
63rd Sue Woods WAOC W50 94:16
64th Dave Varty SMOC M45 95:01
65th Tony Biggs HAVOC M60 97:06
66th Sue Carter CHIG W40 100:49
67th Gopal Chand WAOC M40 101:25
68th Ruth Rhodes SO W65 114:50
mp Christopher Beasant UBOC M21 77:24



4.150km 70 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Chris Young HH M18 25:53
2nd Thomas Louth WAOC M18 26:24
nc Beth Hanson HH W16 28:25
3rd Bryn Wilkinson SUFFOC M14 29:20
4th William Louth WAOC M14 29:53
5th Peter Jones SN M55 30:31
6th Richard Freeman HH M45 31:54
7th Matthew Haynes WAOC M16 32:47
8th Robin Bourne WAOC M45 34:19
9th Becky Young HH W16 34:20
10th Marian Eeles IND W21 35:16
11th Todd Cooper WAOC M16 35:19
12th Mark Scaife WAOC M45 35:49
13th Miranda Leaf HH W16 36:05
14th Jonathan Gilbert NOR M50 37:39
15th Adam Leaf HH M45 38:13
16th Colin Best SYO M60 38:16
17th Lindsey Freeman LOG W55 38:20
18th John Collyer SOS M65 38:36
19th Richard Catmur SLOW M55 38:42
20th Andrew Gregory MDOC M75 38:54
21st Patrick O'Hara IND M45 39:04
22nd Miriam Rosen SROC W60 39:59
23rd Peter Cheetham CHIG M50 41:19
24th Alice Campbell CHIG W18 41:41
25th Chris Morley WAOC M70 41:47
26th David Hodson HH M45 41:58
27th Hedley Calderbank HH M60 42:16
28th Julie Cleary LOK W45 42:21
29th Gillian Hanson HH W40 42:47
30th David Rosen SROC M55 44:02
31st Sammy Faircloth WAOC W40 44:40
32nd Peter Lomas MDOC M70 45:33
33rd Sacha Fisher SMOC W35 46:34
34th Daniel Hodson HH M18 47:11
35th Isabel Green IND W21 47:46
36th Dave Tookey HH M55 47:47
37th Dawn Figg HH W40 48:21
38th Roger Horton WAOC M65 48:24
39th Jenny Collyer SOS W65 48:53
40th Kathy Haynes SLOW W50 48:55
41st Alexander Ware SOS M18 49:00
42nd Helen Nisbet SMOC W50 49:38
Par Time 49:38 - 50% of starters
43rd Clare Bense SPOOK W50 51:09
44th David Skinner SOS M60 52:14
45th Andy Barker Pilsworth RAFO M40 52:21
46th John Russell SOS M70 52:47
47th Frank Martindale LOK M75 53:28
48th Hally Hardie WAOC M70 53:29
49th Ian Byrne SMOC M50 53:43
50th Karen Vines SMOC W40 55:07
51st Chris Bienemann & Daue Allard IND M21 55:13
52nd Paul Lowe SUFFOC M50 55:26
53rd Linda Kelly CLARO W50 55:35
54th Caitlin Campbell CHIG W16 55:42
55th Virginia Catmur SLOW W55 55:57
56th Ashley Ford HOC M60 56:11
57th Janet Biggs HAVOC W55 56:11
58th Frances Goldingay HH W60 56:12
59th Susan Marsden HH W65 57:27
60th Hazel Bickle WAOC W60 58:31
61st Simon Chandler IND M45 59:10
62nd Maria Pereverzina HH W16 59:42
63rd Charlotte Bermingham UBOC W21 61:47
64th Gary Oxley IND M21 62:50
65th John Harris WAOC M65 63:09
66th Chris Page WAOC M60 63:18
67th Freya Askham SMOC W35 63:21
68th Michael Shortland WAOC M60 64:27
69th Catherine Pennington WAOC W60 65:01
70th Anne Power LOK W75 65:16
71st Mary Nixon SARUM W60 66:31
72nd Geraldine Russell SOS W65 66:53
73rd Lesley Norton WRE W65 68:16
74th Jenny Gostick HH W45 68:26
75th Barbara Ford HOC W55 69:34
76th Paul Hill WAOC M55 70:59
77th Charlotte Cheetham CHIG W50 72:33
78th Seonaid Dudley WAOC W70 73:11
79th Colin Curtis WAOC M75 73:46
80th Sally Wilkinson SUFFOC W45 84:38
81st Jennifer Taylor CHIG W65 86:40
82nd Peter Bense IND M50 103:42
83rd Lakshmi Chand WAOC W35 132:04
mp Louise Walker SUFFOC W45 40:14

Light Green


3.470km 70 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Samuel Fielding HH M14 29:24
2nd Beth Hanson HH W16 31:50
3rd Natalia Pereverzina HH W18 32:45
4th Ella Gilbert NOR W14 38:38
5th Francois Richard-Boual WAOC 38:55
6th Rhiannon Ware SOS W16 40:39
7th Roderick Mansel SUFFOC M14 41:32
8th Duncan Cooper WAOC M12 42:43
9th Francois Swiegers IND M21 43:30
10th Tim Harrison (Barn) SUFFOC M12 43:34
11th Gary Marshall SMOC M45 43:42
12th Gary Jenkins HH M35 45:20
13th Lewis Cooper WAOC M12 45:48
14th Heather Walton SLOW W45 46:34
15th Robin Barris HH M75 48:35
16th Chantal Helm IND W21 49:29
17th Sophie Richard-Boual WAOC 51:05
18th Jackie Butcher SYO W45 56:06
19th Wesley Musall SUFFOC M60 56:56
20th Philip Young HH M55 60:00
Par Time 60:00 - 50% of starters
21st Sharon Warland SOS W45 60:02
22nd Richard Stadence IND M60 60:23
23rd Pam Hemingway WAOC W45 61:47
24th Clive Coles SUFFOC M65 62:37
25th David Macleod IND M60 63:11
26th Jane Breed HH W55 64:25
27th Janis Ryall WAOC W55 69:49
28th Yanhua Tu EREBUS W21 72:21
29th Ros James SMOC W50 79:29
30th Louise Chandler IND W45 81:38
31st Jaya Chand WAOC W12 87:59
32nd Daniel Figg HH M14 88:47
33rd Jenny Beans; Jenny, Maddy & Willow Sturgess IND W21 95:15
34th Helena Parracho EREBUS W21 98:13
35th Raj Chand WAOC M14 116:54
36th Amanda, David, Emily & Tom Collinson IND 120:31
37th Peter & Laura Ansell & Jo Holder SMOC W20 134:41
mp,nc George Neville-Jones M21 28:03
mp Rae Lomas MDOC W70 54:02
mp,nc Adam Jones & Terrence Yip IND M20 105:26
mp Ines Vilarinho EREBUS W21 157:02



2.730km 70 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st James Errington HH M14 22:49
2nd Kit Phillips SUFFOC M14 29:59
3rd James Nisbet SMOC M12 30:01
nc Eliza Hermann (2nd run) HH W50 32:46
4th Edward Scaife WAOC M14 33:48
5th Andrew Stemp WAOC M14 35:04
6th Catherine Hemingway WAOC W12 36:34
7th James O'Higgins HH M14 38:26
8th Ben Wetherill WAOC M12 40:15
9th Ben Warland SOS M14 40:25
10th Doreen Best SYO W60 43:12
11th Bronwen Mansel SUFFOC W14 44:25
12th Thomas M'Caw HH M12 47:15
13th Owen Bourne WAOC M14 47:50
Par Time 47:50 - 50% of starters
14th Adam O'Hara IND M14 48:06
15th Martine Juillan SUFFOC W12 49:41
16th Steve Brown & Shirley Whiterod IND 56:56
17th Alison Zsak WAOC W35 60:49
nc Juliet Armstrong IND W45 62:40
nc Alan Armstrong IND M45 63:40
18th Sue & Geogina Marshall SMOC W45 67:50
nc Bettina Swynnerton and Family W6 80:07
19th Georgina Green IND W10 86:27
20th Adam Green IND M10 87:05
21st Freddie Dwight & Family IND M10 87:18
22nd James Knight and Family IND M45 95:21
23rd Carol Hill WAOC W55 96:35
24th Gudgion, Tetley, Parker, Burely, Langford IND W65 114:10
mp Kieran Palmer SOS M12 82:52
mp Jamie Wilson IND M14 123:43



2.160km 50 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Josh M'Caw HH M10 16:58
2nd Ellie Harrison (Barn) SUFFOC W12 20:43
3rd Jack Krempel (Barn) SUFFOC M12 21:11
4th Robert Easton SMOC M12 21:15
5th Eliza Hermann HH W50 21:22
6th Alan Armstrong IND M45 22:16
7th Alex Fielding HH M10 22:42
8th Alex Darling WAOC M12 23:02
9th Juliet Armstrong IND W45 23:08
10th Nathan Wickersham IND M14 23:34
11th Monty Parker-Pilsworth RAFO M10 23:48
12th Thomas O'Hara IND M12 24:16
13th Chloe Cracknell & Daisy Partridge SOS W12 25:00
14th Sean Dudley IND M45 25:53
15th Isabel Hill DEE W10 26:29
16th Joshua Buist SOS M10 28:23
17th Rebecca Nisbet SMOC W10 28:25
18th William Young WAOC M11 29:51
Par Time 29:51 - 50% of starters
nc Bethany Wickersham IND W10 31:00
nc Emily Faircloth (2nd run) IND W10 31:11
19th Peter Errington HH M12 31:18
20th Nick Butler (Barn) SUFFOC M12 32:19
21st Stephanie ware SOS W12 32:29
22nd Emile Zsak WAOC M8 34:37
23rd Wilson Jeffery WAOC M12 36:25
24th Juliette Agazarian and Saskia Baldrey (Barn) SUFFOC W12 38:13
25th Denise Emery 40:33
26th Joseph Fielding HH M12 44:10
27th George Williams (Barn) SUFFOC M12 44:59
28th Laura Bayne HH W12 45:33
29th Joshua Palmer SOS M12 49:10
30th James Jeffrey WAOC M12 50:07
31st Hester Dewhurst WAOC W10 51:56
32nd Jessica Woodgate (Barn) SUFFOC W12 62:02
33rd Seb Scaife WAOC M12 86:09
34th Sheila Lowe SUFFOC W45 90:08
mp Angus Dudley (Barn) SUFFOC M12 17:14
mp Edward Low WAOC M10 60:17



1.520km 52 m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
nc Nathan Wickersham IND M14 10:49
1st Haydn Garrod BARNARDISTON M10 14:15
2nd Ben Partridge + 2 SOS M5 14:28
3rd David O'Hara IND M10 15:38
nc Joshua Buist (2nd run) SOS M10 16:51
4th Naomi Chandler IND W10 19:42
5th Alys Phillips BARNARDISTON W10 21:07
6th Ben Gostick HH M10 21:21
7th Bethany Wickersham IND W10 22:49
8th Emily Faircloth WAOC W8 22:49
9th Lucy Warland SOS W10 25:26
10th Holly McGerty BARNARDISTON W10 29:25
11th Hope Dudley BARNARDISTON W10 31:20
12th Antonin Richard-Boual WAOC 31:50
13th Euan Kane M10 32:23
14th William Dewhurst WAOC M10 33:38
15th Jacob and Ayla Fisher SMOC M10 35:01
Par Time 35:01 - all finishers
mp Guy Jeffrey WAOC M8 32:35
mp Sasha Barker-Pilsworth RAFO M10 32:57