Croxton Heath East Anglian Championship Sunday, 30 Jan 2011
Simple Age Class Splits WinSplits Splitsbrowser Routegadget
Black Brown Short Brown Blue Short Blue Green Short Green Very Short Green Light Green Orange Yellow White

Controller’s Comments

The map was excellent, the courses were well planned in good time, and the efficient on-the day organisation meant that everyone I talked to had a good time. Well done WAOC!

Andrew Cordle

Planner's comments

Thank you all for coming. I hope you all enjoyed your run.

The recent felling and thinning at Croxton has, unfortunately, not improved the area for orienteering, reducing runnability whilst at the same time increasing visibility. Never the less I hope that I gave all of you something to think about at least somewhere round your course. Looking at Splitsbrowser and Routegadget it seems I succeeded in challenging at least some of you in some places. It is also gratifying to see that you didn't all take the same route on some of the longer route choice legs.

With hindsight I should perhaps have avoided using control 124 on the shorter technical courses. But if I was going to get you into the more interesting technical area of clearings and depressions to the north then it was either this control or something in the darker green area to the south east, neither of which was going to be ideal.

If anyone has any particular comments about the courses, positive or negative, then please do email me:

Finally, my thanks to Andrew for his helpful yet unobtrusive controlling, and to my control collectors for helping collect controls at the end of the day.

Graham Louth

Organiser’s Comments

Lost Property: 2 compasses and a wool hat with ear covers. please if they are yours.

Many thanks to all those who gave spontaneous help on the day with such jobs as dismantling car park ropes and finish tapes and taking away rubbish. I think especially of those small children who toddled over to help with taking the tape off the finish posts. With this goodwill there is a future for our sport!

The assembly area was only made so functional by the planner’s choice of close start and finish point, both near to assembly. On behalf of all organisers and competitors everywhere Graham should have a statue erected to his fine example. Many of you commented favourably on the bike first aid cover with patrols through the forest. and I will forward your names and messages to Stuart who will then contact you if he could help at any of your events. The organiser of the Saturday event, Ben Windsor of CUOC, gave active support in transporting equipment from his event to ours and for this and his great efficiency I thank him.

Of course we were exceedingly fortunate in our controller Andrew Cordle of SOS being available and willing to control this event. He will always be welcome to officiate WAOC events in the future and I thank him for the good natured way errors and omissions were pointed out in good time.

Lastly all the voluntary helpers without whom it could not have happened: may all your runs be good ones. I am personally very grateful especially for your flexible approach to those two hours before the first start which define an event, and the sheer quality with which things got done.

Peter Allen


Name Age Time
Ben Partridge 5 7:00
Benjamin Harrington 9 6:00
Callum Turner 10 4:00
Catherine Hemmingway 11 3:11
Cloe Cracknell 9 3:00
Craig Carter 5 6:00
Daniel Faircloth 3 10:00
Dewey Partridge 10 3:00
Emily Faircloth 6 5:00
Hazel Williams 7 6:10
Jack Edward 10 3:10
Jaya Chand 11 3:24
Judy Smith 10 4:00
Katy Hinshelwood 4 24:00
Libby Hinchellwood 2 24:00
Lucy Edward 9 3:30
Raj Chand 13 3:17
Ryan Carter 2 17:00
Thomas Turner 7 5:00
Tim Harrington 11 3:00
Toby Williams 6 5:00
Toby Williams (2nd run) 6 4:00
Tom Hemmingway 14 3:15
Vojta Korner 10 5:00
Vojta Korner (2nd run) 10 4:00



12.960km 20m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Eric Roller Järfälla OK M40 69:24
2nd Laurence Ball NOR M21 74:09
3rd Ben Stevens DRONGO M21 74:27
4th Pavel Prochazka BKO M21 76:14
5th Jonathan Albon Sandefjord M21 77:52
6th Glen Richardson NOR M21 82:55
7th Phil Marsland SLOW M40 86:29
8th Steve Hinshelwood WAOC M45 87:16
9th David Cooper WAOC M45 93:20
10th Nick Pullen NOR M21 93:23
11th Andrew Rankin IND M35 93:24
12th Alasdair Bruce SOS M40 93:47
13th Dan Straka BKO M45 96:38
14th Alistair Hindle DRONGO M35 98:16
Par Time 104.06 - winner's time + 50%
15th Neil Carter SUFFOC M21 109:18
16th Michael Brooke IND M60 116:38
17th Mark Collis DRONGO M21 123:24
18th Pete Doyle IND M21 138:32
n/c Chris and Andrew Childs SOS M60 167:50



11.210km 15m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Ian Renfrew NOR M40 69:29
2nd John Ward NOR M40 86:51
3rd Paul Fox SN M45 93:01
4th Jon Coles SUFFOC M40 96:49
5th Andrew Elliott SUFFOC M40 98:56
6th David Schroeder WAOC M35 102:38
Par Time 104.13 - winner's time + 50%
7th Jacob Sharpe HH M35 104:42
8th Kvido Strisovsky WAOC M35 111:39
9th Stephen Borrill WAOC M40 115:58
10th Toby Fisher SMOC M35 120:08
11th John Clarke SUFFOC M40 128:29
12th Gopal Chand WAOC M40 155:59

Short Brown


9.250km 15m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Thomas Louth WAOC M18 59:31
2nd Michael Belshaw BAOC M45 61:50
3rd Simon Errington HH M45 66:45
4th Paul Beckett HAVOC M50 67:59
5th Tim Wiegand SYO M40 69:37
6th Ian Buxton DRONGO M45 71:04
7th Jonathan Cronk WAOC M20 71:49
8th John Van Rooyen SAX M60 73:01
9th Blanka Collis DRONGO W21 74:28
10th Lucy Wiegand SYO W40 74:52
11th Alan Spidy NOR M45 76:46
12th Colin Swallow SN M50 77:59
13th Neil Humphries WAOC M50 78:02
14th Alan Anstead SUFFOC M45 79:21
15th Paul Price NOR M45 81:19
16th David Sanderson SOS M50 83:53
17th Peter Woods WAOC M50 86:38
18th Michael Chopping RAFO M50 87:47
19th Will Harrison SUFFOC M50 88:18
20th Jayne Sales SLOW W21 88:22
21st Perry Mole SOS M45 88:55
Par Time 89.16 - winner's time + 50%
22nd Clive Wilkinson SUFFOC M45 89:45
23rd Will Hooton SUFFOC M18 92:14
24th Louise Sime WAOC W21 93:43
25th Paul Ross ERYRI M50 93:55
26th Owen Warnock NOR M50 94:20
27th Gary Simmons GO M50 95:02
28th David Chaplin IND M45 97:38
29th Helen Bickle WAOC W21 98:13
30th Jonathan Houseago SUFFOC M50 100:47
31st Rod Mansel SUFFOC M50 102:33
32nd Robin Stevens LOG M45 107:30



7.440km 20m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Tom Hemingway WAOC M16 54:02
2nd Richard Bonnett SOS M55 56:00
3rd Martin Sellens SOS M55 56:32
4th Tim Pribul CHIG M60 56:47
5th Henriette Klovstad Sandefjord W20 57:16
6th Kevin Ellis SOS M50 58:02
7th David Cronk WAOC M50 58:30
8th Colin Webster HH M60 58:42
9th John Hurley DVO M55 59:07
10th Keith Downing SMOC M55 59:13
11th Michael Bickle WAOC M60 59:49
12th Simon Greenwood SAX M55 59:53
13th Michael Liston NOR M60 60:00
14th Rachel Pocock WAOC W40 60:37
15th Maurice Hemingway WAOC M55 61:21
16th George Simmons GO M16 61:34
17th Douglas Henderson RR M60 61:52
18th Mike Capper WAOC M55 63:21
19th Mark Glaisher SAX M60 64:00
20th Paul Nicholls NOR M60 64:24
21st Bill Morgan IND M60 64:26
22nd Steve Robertson SOS M55 65:00
23rd John Duffield CHIG M60 65:24
24th Ian Shephard NOR M55 65:35
25th James Baldwin RAFO M21 65:36
26th Todd Cooper WAOC M16 66:00
27th Robin Bourne WAOC M45 66:32
28th Tim Mulcahy WAOC M55 66:38
29th John Williams SOS M55 69:18
30th Chris Shaw HAVOC M60 69:45
31st= Philip Brown NOR M55 70:20
31st= Neil Brough IND M40 70:20
33rd Julie Ferris WAOC W40 71:27
34th Colin West SOS M55 71:41
35th Chris Clarke NOR M35 72:21
36th Peter Walling NOR M45 72:27
37th John Middler OD M55 74:14
38th= Haydn Leaker SMOC M55 74:17
38th= Bob Hill RAFO M55 74:17
38th= Geoff Pye SOS M55 74:17
41st Philip Halford SUFFOC M55 74:51
42nd Simon Hooton SUFFOC M55 75:22
43rd Tracey Apperley SOS W40 75:45
44th Harriet Burdett CUOC W20 77:14
45th Laurie Rudling NOR M60 77:26
46th Sacha Fisher SMOC W35 77:43
47th Emma Holland WAOC W21 78:00
48th Rakesh Chandraker WAOC M45 79:43
Par Time 81.05 - winner's time + 50%
49th Andy Furnell LOG M45 84:19
50th Bruce Marshall WAOC M55 84:24
51st Peter Howsam WAOC M60 85:14
52nd Kate Harvey NOR W18 88:50
53rd Ian Lawson WAOC M55 90:26
54th Caroline Louth WAOC W50 97:53
55th Anthony Biggs HAVOC M60 103:28

Short Blue


6.170km 15m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st John Ward NOR M65 54:37
2nd Alison Fox WAOC W45 54:55
3rd Louise Walker SUFFOC W45 55:36
4th Sammy Faircloth IND W35 60:25
5th Greg Birdseye LOK M65 61:18
6th John Collyer SOS M65 62:15
7th Helen Errington HH W50 62:34
8th Glynn Smith LEI M65 62:55
9th Garry Parmenter HAVOC M65 65:01
10th Jane Archer SN W55 65:08
11th David Ball NOR M65 65:38
12th Tom Dobra CUOC M20 65:45
13th Sarah Mansel SUFFOC W45 66:29
14th Helen Lloyd NOR W50 67:23
15th Pat Martin NOR M65 68:43
16th Rob Coulter SUFFOC M60 71:25
17th Peter Brett DEVON M60 73:36
18th Karen Williams LOG W40 74:04
19th Catherine Galvin LOK W45 76:16
20th Janet Cronk WAOC W50 80:11
Par Time 81.56 - winner's time + 50%
21st Alan Bedder NOR M65 90:07
22nd Sally Wilkinson SUFFOC W45 92:53
23rd Graham Ward NOR M65 94:29
24th Sue Woods WAOC W50 100:12
25th Liz Large NOR W45 100:50
26th Gina Ross ERYRI W50 105:18
27th Gill Sharp SN W50 105:36
28th Colin Nicholson SMOC M65 111:55
29th Paul Garton NOR M55 117:14
30th Julie Laver SOS W45 121:12
mp Pam Hemingway WAOC W45 75:06
mp Erica Pilkinton WAOC W45 121:19



4.840km 10m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Ben Windsor CUOC M21 40:30
2nd Hilary Sellens SOS W55 48:50
3rd Peter Lomas MDOC M70 49:01
4th Peter Kullich HALO M70 49:44
5th Richard Barker SOS M55 49:53
6th Jonathan Gilbert NOR M50 51:35
7th Robin Campbell CHIG M70 52:09
8th Chris Morley WAOC M70 53:12
9th Derek Jenner CHIG M55 54:32
10th Angie Hinshelwood WAOC W40 54:33
11th John Russell SOS M70 54:55
12th Bethany Albon IND W18 55:34
13th David Skinner SOS M60 55:35
14th Glyn Mayley LOG M55 59:11
15th Lindsey Freeman LOG W55 59:20
16th John Rushmer NOR M60 59:39
17th Rhiannon Ware SOS W16 59:57
18th Bill Butcher NOR M60 60:35
19th Rodney Freeburn NOR M70 60:59
20th Ray Curtis CHIG M55 61:10
21st John Wickersham WAOC M65 61:52
Par Time 61.52 - 50% of starters
22nd Alex Ware SOS M18 62:47
23rd Sarah Leclaire CUOC W21 63:04
24th Les Jarrald NOR M60 63:17
25th Helen Wise SO W55 64:40
26th Lyn West SOS W55 65:03
27th John Harvey NOR M70 65:09
28th Sue Bicknell OD W65 66:07
29th Rachael Harrison SUFFOC W16 77:23
30th Clare Woods WAOC W21 77:35
31st Hazel Bickle WAOC W60 78:15
32nd Estella Ward NOR W60 80:23
33rd Barbara Fothergill HAVOC W55 82:43
34th Maria Marshall WAOC W55 88:04
35th Leanne Bailey NOR W21 89:47
36th Hally Hardie WAOC M70 91:38
37th Alexandre Faget IND M21 94:46
38th Elise Beraud IND W21 98:09
39th Jane Howsam WAOC W60 98:50
mp Clive Coles SUFFOC M65 42:41
mp Rachel Thomas SMOC W55 90:24
mp Patrick Thouroude WAOC M45 124:42

Short Green


3.800km 10m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Jenny Collyer SOS W65 42:11
2nd Emma Johnson SOS W21 42:41
3rd Derry Kelleher NOR M60 43:19
4th Peter Leverington NOR M75 45:33
5th Robin Barris HH M75 46:24
6th Geraldine Russell SOS W65 48:59
7th Noreen Ives WAOC W55 50:01
8th Norman Howarth NOR M80 52:18
9th Juliette Butcher NOR W60 52:23
10th Jack Isbester SOS M75 52:30
11th Sally Pribul CHIG W55 56:29
12th Alison Curtis CHIG W55 59:08
13th Seonaid Dudley WAOC W70 59:24
14th Chris Thorne WAOC M75 60:06
15th Julia Robertson SOS W55 62:17
Par Time 63.17 - winner's time + 50%
16th Colin Curtis WAOC M75 63:22
17th Lorraine Houghton WAOC W55 64:01
18th Ruby Campbell CHIG W70 65:24
19th Ron Oxburgh WAOC M75 69:32
20th Pat Bedder NOR W65 69:47
21st Sue Vine NOR W70 71:14
22nd Alan Coddington NOR M75 74:59
23rd Andy Strakova CUOC W20 81:49
24th Molly Smith LEI W65 87:22
dnf Louise Walling NOR W40  

Very Short Green


3.250km 10m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st James Fitt IND M21 32:42
2nd Timothy Argel SOC M70 51:34
3rd Barbara George NOR W75 55:09
4th Ursula Oxburgh WAOC W75 64:55
5th June Webb SUFFOC W75 77:16
Par Time 77.21

Light Green


3.930km 10m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Bryn Wilkinson SUFFOC M14 35:02
2nd William Louth WAOC M14 36:30
3rd Roderick Mansel SUFFOC M14 38:50
4th Adam Waller-Toyne SOS M40 39:50
5th Thomas Birkett SOS M14 42:04
6th Sam Garforth NOR M16 44:42
7th Matt Jefford NOR M14 50:52
8th Rose Macmillan CUOC W21 57:24
9th Owen Bourne WAOC M14 59:11
Par Time 59:11 - 50% of starters
10th Cecilia Darcy IND W50 59:29
11th Stephanie Tucker IND W18 62:06
12th Tom Prior IND M21 71:26
13th Calvin Manning SN M75 73:56
14th Sharon Warland SOS W45 79:33
15th Muriel Scaife WAOC W45 81:39
16th Lucy Carter SUFFOC W21 83:26
dnf Celia Clarke NOR W21  
mp James Errington HH M14 36:16



3.660km 10m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Catherine Hemingway WAOC W12 35:27
2nd Sam Nicholls NOR M14 44:04
3rd Lewis Cooper WAOC M12 44:35
4th Tim Harrison SUFFOC M12 45:24
5th Duncan Cooper WAOC M12 48:35
6th Edward Scaife WAOC M14 49:27
Par Time 53.10 - winner's time + 50%
7th S., M. & J.Waller-Toyne SOS   63:02
8th Alex Birkett SOS M12 69:43
9th Raj Chand WAOC M14 74:46
10th James Price NOR M10 79:41
11th Catherine Mole SOS W12 87:39
12th Jaya Chand WAOC W12 106:44
13th Lakshmi Chand WAOC W35 112:11



2.700km 5m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Matthew Clarke SUFFOC M10 21:21
2nd Callum Turner SOS (StAndrews School) M10 22:04
3rd Georgia Gower SOS (StAndrews School) W10 23:02
4th Ella Gilbert NOR W14 24:56
5th Jack Edwards & Benjamin Harrington SOS (StAndrews School) M10 25:31
6th Daisy Partridge SOS (StAndrews School) W10 25:48
7th Amber Greaves & Lucy Edwards SOS (StAndrews School) W10 27:54
n/c Chloe Cracknell (2nd run) SOS W10 28:21
Par Time 32.02 - winner's time + 50%
9th Peter Errington HH M12 35:04
10th Vojta Korner IND M12 35:37
11th Louise Livermore WAOC W50 38:57
12th Georgie Nicholls NOR W10 43:48
13th Lucy Warland SOS W10 45:15
14th Sebastien Scaife WAOC M12 48:52
n/c Hannah Pocock WAOC W14 54:10



1.890km 5m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Jasper Waller-Toyne SOS M10 11:32
2nd Chloe Cracknell SOS (StAndrews School) W10 12:32
3rd Hester Dewhurst KCS W10 13:00
4th Anthony Ford WAOC M9 13:59
5th Oscar Wilkinson WAOC M10 14:31
6th Thomas Chaplin IND M10 15:09
7th Sharon Chaplin IND W40 15:32
8th Ellen Chaplin IND W10 16:34
9th Richard Mason IND M35 16:35
10th Emily Faircloth IND W6 17:54
11th Hazel Williams LOG W10 19:13
12th Toby Williams LOG W10 20:53
13th Joshua Buist & Nicholas Suckling SOS (StAndrews School) M10 22:26
14th Amelia Juniper & Elena Gower SOS (StAndrews School) W9 23:22
15th Erica Fox WAOC W10 25:28
16th Walling Family NOR   42:49
17th Jacob Fisher SMOC M10 50:07
18th Daniel Faircloth IND M3 51:48
Par Time 51:48 - all finishers