High Lodge Saturday, 29 Jan 2011
Simple Age Class Splits WinSplits Splitsbrowser Routegadget
Black Brown Short Brown Blue Short Blue Green Short Green Very Short Green Light Green Orange Yellow White

Controller's Comments

Congratulations to CUOC for putting on such a successful event. Much of this was down to the superb efforts of Ben, the organiser, who rallied a good number of helpers (mainly from CUOC, DRONGO and WAOC) to make on-the-day activities fairly straightforward and problem free. Thanks to all of them.


Mike Capper

Organiser’s Comments

I was extremely pleased with the way the event ran, there were only a few small hiccups, and I don’t think any of these were big enough to be apparent to the competitors. This was largely down to the excellent team of 31 helpers. Everybody arrived on time to do their jobs, I briefed them and they got on with it. Even the 12 CUOC helpers all got out of bed with time to spare! So thank you and well done to all those who helped, it could not have happened without you. Thanks also to WAOC for providing key equipment which CUOC do not have, and giving lifts to CUOC members who would never have got there otherwise.


Ben Windsor (CUOC)

Icenian Trophy


WAOC win clearly, followed by NOR, SUFFOC, and SOS.
Neither CUOC nor DRONGO had a team of 10, but counting them together they would make 3rd place.

Pos Name Age Time Course Pts
1st Tom Hemingway M16 53:19 Blue 1
1st William Louth M14 31:49 Short Green 1
1st Catherine Hemingway W12 24:44 Orange 1
1st James Young M14 16:46 Yellow 1
2nd Chris Morley M70 46:09 Green 2
2nd Ursula Oxburgh W75 74:14 Very Short Green 2
3rd Anne Duncumb W80 98:09 Very Short Green 3
4th Steve Hinshelwood M45 88:53 Black 4
4th Noreen Ives W55 47:55 Short Green 4
4th Oscar Wilkinson M10 18:43 White 4

Pos Name Age Time Course Pts
1st Barbara George W75 56:12 Very Short Green 1
2nd Ella Gilbert W14 19:02 Yellow 2
2nd Michael Gilbert M10 11:43 White 2
3rd John Ward M65 45:45 Short blue 3
3rd Peter Leverington M75 44:17 Short Green 3
4th Jonathan Gilbert M50 43:43 Orange 4
5th Alan Spidy M45 72:07 Short Brown 5
5th John Rushmer M60 51:03 Green 5
6th Helen Lloyd W50 51:28 Short Blue 6
6th Graham Ward M65 53:04 Short Green 6

Pos Name Age Time Course Pts
1st Matthew Vokes M20 60:03 Short Brown 1
1st= Victoria Stevens W21 39:39 Short Blue 1.5
1st= Mairead Rocke W20 39:39 Short Blue 1.5
2nd David Maliphant M20 65:24 Short Brown 2
2nd Eric Roller M40 72:44 Black 2
6th Blanka Collis W21 72:59 Short Brown 6
7th Alistair Hindle M35 107:15 Black 7
7th Ian Buxton M45 73:23 Short Brown 7
8th Mark Collis M21 113:29 Black 8
11th Chris Thorne M75 63:51 Short Green] 11

Pos Name Age Time Course Pts
1st Bryn Wilkinson M14 29:08 Light Green 1
2nd Tim Harrison M12 39:04 Light Green 2
3rd Roderick Mansel M14 50:39 Light Green 3
3rd Matthew Clarke M10 19:13 Yellow 3
4th Jon Coles M40 84:18 Brown 4
5th Lucy Carter W21 65:51 Light Green 5
7th Andrew Elliott M40 95:42 Brown 7
9th Louise Walker W45 53:57 Short Blue 9
11th Neil Carter M21 124:39 Black 11
11th John Clarke M40 114:08 Brown 11

Pos Name Age Time Course Pts
2nd Richard Bonnett M55 56:38 Blue 2
2nd Jenny Collyer W65 41:14 Short Green 2
3rd Richard Barker M55 47:53 Green 3
6th John Russell M70 51:55 Green 6
7th John Collyer M65 53:48 Short Blue 7
8th Jack Isbester M75 54:56 Short Green 8
9th Steve Robertson M55 65:53 Blue 9
9th Geraldine Russell W65 55:00 Short Green 9
10th David Sanderson M50 79:04 Short Brown 10
10th Hannah Newton W20 54:16 Short Blue 10


Pos Name Age Time
1 Morven 8 5:00
2 Craig Carter 5 5:55
3 Eilidh 6 10:19
4 Jacob Fisher 4 11:30
5 Ryan Carter 2 13:00
6 Ayla Fisher 2 15:00



12.510km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Ben Stevens AIRE M21 70:47
2nd Eric Roller Järfälla OK M40 72:44
3rd Jonathan Albon Sandefjord M21 83:29
4th Steve Hinshelwood WAOC M45 88:53
5th Phil Marsland SLOW M40 89:42
6th Andy Rankin IND M35 101:06
Par Time 106.11 - winner's time + 50%
7th Alistair Hindle DRONGO M35 107:15
8th Mark Collis DRONGO M21 113:29
9th Ben Holland WAOC M21 115:01
10th Pete Doyle IND M21 120:09
11th Neil Carter SUFFOC M21 124:39



10.230km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Ian Hargreaves KERNO M35 76:14
2nd Jacob Sharpe HH M35 79:42
3rd Paul Fox SN M45 82:49
4th Jon Coles SUFFOC M40 84:18
5th Sean Blanchflower IND M35 85:37
6th Ben Green IND M21 91:33
7th Andrew Elliott SUFFOC M40 95:42
8th Stephen Borrill WAOC M40 101:12
9th David Schroeder WAOC M35 101:16
10th Brian Cowe - M21 104:17
11th John Clarke SUFFOC M40 114:08
Par Time 114.21 - winner's time + 50%
mp Ian Renfrew NOR M40 45:43

Short Brown


8.930km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Matthew Vokes CUOC M20 60:03
2nd David Maliphant CUOC M20 65:24
3rd Paul Beckett HAVOC M50 65:29
4th John Van Rooyen SAX M60 71:15
5th Alan Spidy NOR M45 72:07
6th Blanka Collis DRONGO W21 72:59
7th Ian Buxton DRONGO M45 73:23
8th David Cronk WAOC M50 75:39
9th Colin Swallow SN M50 76:45
10th David Sanderson SOS M50 79:04
11th Peter Duthie WAOC M50 80:57
12th Richard Newton SOS M45 82:29
13th Clive Wilkinson SUFFOC M45 82:47
14th Steve Rice NOC M50 83:25
15th Jayne Sales SLOW W21 87:03
16th Toby Fisher SMOC M35 87:07
17th Peter Woods WAOC M50 88:20
18th Louise Sime WAOC W21 88:27
19th Owen Warnock NOR M50 89:31
Par Time 90.05 - winner's time + 50%
20th Rod Mansel SUFFOC M50 92:19
21st Gary Simmons GO M50 94:41
22nd= Helen Bickle WAOC W21 107:08
22nd= Robin Stevens LOG M45 107:08
24th Paul Ross ERYRI M50 108:38



7.560km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Tom Hemingway WAOC M16 53:19
2nd Richard Bonnett SOS M55 56:38
3rd Mark Glaisher SAX M60 60:35
4th George Simmons GO M16 61:11
5th Douglas Henderson RR M60 61:18
6th John Hurley DVO M55 61:44
7th Michael Bickle WAOC M60 63:22
8th Keith Downing SMOC M55 65:28
9th Steve Robertson SOS M55 65:53
10th Michael Liston NOR M60 65:56
11th Maurice Hemingway WAOC M55 66:23
12th Duncan Booth DRONGO M45 66:35
13th John Duffield CHIG M60 66:41
14th Alan Halliday OD M55 69:29
15th Martin Hore SUFFOC M60 69:30
16th Huw Grange CUOC M21 70:01
17th Chris Clarke NOR M35 72:45
18th Julie Ferris WAOC W40 72:59
19th Bill Morgan IND M60 74:32
20th Colin West SOS M55 75:26
21st Philip Brown NOR M55 78:48
22nd Gerry Spalton OD M65 78:55
23rd Sacha Fisher SMOC W35 79:15
Par Time 79.59 - winner's time + 50%
24th Rakesh Chandraker WAOC M45 80:30
25th Alex Kung CUOC M21 80:40
26th John Middler OD M55 81:48
27th Graham Perry HH M45 81:53
28th Bruce Marshall WAOC M55 82:16
29th Alan Brett CHIG M35 83:10
30th Philip Halford SUFFOC M55 83:16
31st Neil Brough IND M40 86:15
32nd Haydn Leaker SMOC M55 88:19
33rd Ian Lawson WAOC M55 89:53
34th Anthony Biggs HAVOC M60 105:50
mp James Baldwin RAFO M21 66:47
mp Tracey Apperley SOS W40 78:11

Short Blue


5.850km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st= Victoria Stevens CUOC W21 39:39
1st= Mairead Rocke CUOC W20 39:39
3rd John Ward NOR M65 45:45
4th Henriette Klovstad Sandefjord W20 49:27
5th Jane Halliday OD W50 51:01
6th Helen Lloyd NOR W50 51:28
7th John Collyer SOS M65 53:48
8th Simon Ford LEI M65 53:52
9th Louise Walker SUFFOC W45 53:57
10th Hannah Newton SOS W20 54:16
11th Jane Archer SN W55 54:25
12th Pat Martin NOR M65 56:35
13th Karen Williams LOG W40 59:16
Par Time 59.29 - winner's time + 50%
14th Peter Brett DEVON M60 63:03
15th Glynn Smith LEI M65 63:48
16th Sarah Mansel SUFFOC W45 67:21
17th Gill Sharp SN W50 76:41
18th Gina Ross ERYRI W50 77:09
19th Sue Woods WAOC W50 77:20
20th Pam Hemingway WAOC W45 79:34
21st Colin Nicholson SMOC M65 98:15
22nd Liz Large NOR W45 103:23
23rd Stewart Rice - M15 152:47



4.980km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Peter Kullich HALO M70 45:40
2nd Chris Morley WAOC M70 46:09
3rd Richard Barker SOS M55 47:53
4th Gillian Hanson HH W40 50:41
5th John Rushmer NOR M60 51:03
6th John Russell SOS M70 51:55
7th Stephen Nobbs NOR M55 53:47
8th Mark Bottomley - - 56:03
9th Les Jarrald NOR M60 57:52
10th Rodney Freeburn NOR M70 59:51
11th Erica Pilkinton WAOC W45 60:19
12th Lyn West SOS W55 61:19
13th Sue Bicknell OD W65 61:24
14th David Skinner SOS M60 62:10
15th Lindsey Freeman LOG W55 64:52
16th Glyn Mayley LOG M55 65:40
Par Time 68.30 - winner's time + 50%
17th Barbara Fothergill HAVOC W55 69:04
18th Clare Woods WAOC W21 70:12
19th Hally Hardie WAOC M70 71:50
20th John Harvey NOR M70 74:08
21st Thelma Spalton OD W60 74:38
22nd Nancy Powell Davies SOS W60 76:47
23rd Hazel Bickle WAOC W60 76:55
24th Leanne Bailey NOR W21 86:24
25th Maria Marshall WAOC W55 86:46
26th Bob Cathmoir SOS M70 92:42
27th Clive Coles SUFFOC M65 93:12
dns Rachel Thomas SMOC W55 -

Short Green


3.880km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st William Louth WAOC M14 31:49
2nd Jenny Collyer SOS W65 41:14
3rd Peter Leverington NOR M75 44:17
4th Noreen Ives WAOC W55 47:55
5th Michael Dudley WAOC M75 52:15
6th Graham Ward NOR M65 53:04
7th Seonaid Dudley WAOC W70 54:43
8th Jack Isbester SOS M75 54:56
9th Geraldine Russell SOS W65 55:00
Par Time 55.00 - 50% of starters
10th Estella Ward NOR W60 61:32
11th Chris Thorne WAOC M75 63:51
12th Julia Robertson SOS W55 69:38
13th Molly Smith LEI W65 75:50
14th Colin Curtis WAOC M75 76:15
15th Sue Vine NOR W70 86:17
16th Alan Coddington NOR M75 87:14
mp Helena Money IND - 127:51
mp Deane Money IND - 127:54

Very Short Green


3.260km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Barbara George NOR W75 56:12
2nd Ursula Oxburgh WAOC W75 74:14
Par Time 84.18 - winner's time + 50%
3rd Anne Duncumb WAOC W80 98:09

Light Green


3.790km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Bryn Wilkinson SUFFOC M14 29:08
2nd Tim Harrison SUFFOC M12 39:04
3rd Roderick Mansel SUFFOC M14 50:39
4th Calvin Manning SN M75 58:39
Par Time 58.39 - 50% of starters
5th Lucy Carter SUFFOC W21 65:51
6th Mihir Chandraker WAOC M14 66:05
7th Celia Clarke NOR W21 85:21



3.040km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st Catherine Hemingway WAOC W12 24:44
2nd Beth Hanson HH W16 25:34
3rd Cecilia Darcy IND W50 41:53
4th Jonathan Gilbert NOR M50 43:43
Par Time 43.43 - 50% of starters
5th Gill Brett DEVON W65 49:55
dnf Emile Zsak - M10 -
dnf Ellie Harrison SUFFOC W12 -
dnf Emma Clarke SUFFOC W12 -



2.340km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st James Young WAOC M14 16:46
2nd Ella Gilbert NOR W14 19:02
3rd Matthew Clarke SUFFOC M10 19:13
Par Time 25.09 - winner's time + 50%
mp Jacob Fisher SMOC M10 40:22



1.680km 0m

Pos Name Club Age Class Time
1st William Young WAOC/KCS M12 9:46
2nd Michael Gilbert NOR M10 11:43
3rd Hazel Williams LOG W10 15:23
4th Oscar Wilkinson WAOC M10 18:43
5th Justin Williams LOG M45 35:39
Par Time 35.39 - all finishers