Ampthill Park Race Saturday, 18 Apr 2010
Main Relay & Score Details
White Yellow Orange Score Relay

Notes on the Results

On the individual score course, the download slips we printed out on the day only showed a maximum of 28 controls. The true total has been used in the results.

All times on the mass start have been reduced by thirty seconds to bring the timed start into synch with the SI start box.

Organisers Comments

We expected to see a few more turn out on such a beautiful day. This Harris Relay was a bit of an experiment, to try to make good use of Ampthill, where it is difficult to plan a satisfactory range of conventional courses. It seems those that took part enjoyed the novelty, although some of you would probably have preferred a longer distance to run.

Clearly though, we seem to be lacking mass market appeal, so next year we shall probably revert to a more popular format such as the "chasing sprint". I would like to thank all who helped on the day, especially Steve Hinshelwood for acting in loco controller, as well as to Bob Hill, the planner, for volunteering at short notice to lay on the Relay.

Peter Woods WAOC

         White    13 controls, 1.25 km                                                                 
    1    Sian, Mark, and Andy Edwards           LEI              W10 +2            13:33                   
    2    Rebecca Nisbet                         SMOC             W10               21:17                   
    3    Bates Family                           IND                                29:12                   
         Par time: All finishers                                                                                    

         Yellow    13 controls, 1.7 km                                                     
    1    Joseph Fielding +1                     HH               M10 +1            34:46                   
         Orange    11 controls, 2.6 km                                                     
         John Griffiths                         IND              M40               18:29   NC (2nd run)
    1    Hally Hardie                           WAOC             M70               29:14                                           
    2    Mal Anley                              BAOC             M55               32:40                                           
    3    Samuel Fielding                        HH               M12               33:11                                           
    4    John Mills                             SOS              M35               35:44                                           
    5    James Nisbet                           SMOC             M12               40:05                                           
         Par time 43:51 (Winners time + 50%)                                                                                                               
    6    Cath Pennington                        WAOC             W55               46:30                                           
    7    Sandford Family                        IND                                53:37                                           
    8    Gemma                                  HH               W10               64:53                                           

         Individual Score    30 controls
   Pl    Name                                   Club              AgeClass          Time inc penalty        Actual finish time      
    1    Kevin Fielding                         IND               M40               34:14                   29:14 (missed 149)
    2    John Griffiths                         IND               M40               43:44                   38:44 (missed 157)
    3    Sean Blanchflower                      IND               M35               45:18                   45:18                   
    4    Lizzie Rosewell                        IND               W21               76:02                   76:02                   
    5    Neil Gostick                           HH                M45               Spine only              23:35                                           

         Team Score (Harris Relay)    30 controls                                                                                                             
    Pl   Team Name               Score time              Penalties               Adjusted team time      Actual Finish time                                                      
    1    Shelford Strollers      78:18                                           78:18                   40:05                                                                   
    2    TCP                     79:24                   5 mins (missed 154)     74:24                   38:55                                                                   
    3    Map Runner              81:32                                           81:32                   37:14                                                                   
    4    Just Do It!             89:24                   5 mins (missed 157)     84:24                   44:09                                                                   
    5    WAOC Runners            93:15                                           93:15                   37:38                                                                   
    6    Maja, Sue, and David    97:39                                           97:39                   46:48                                                                   
    7    Stansted Runners        126:18                                          126:18                  60:12                                                                   
    8    The Incredibles         285:08                  not included            285:08                  134:06