Wimpole - Galoppen Wed, 29 July 2009


Green Line-0 (12 controls)

Pos  Name                                        Time       Controls Found

1    Alan Hatton          IND                    61:00      11                              
2    Ursula Oxburgh       WAOC                   75:50      11                              
3    Jan Falk             51K Sundleyberg        41:35      lost card                       

Orange Line-0 (13 controls)

Pos  Name                                        Time       Controls found                  

1    Hazel Bickle         WAOC                   61:17      12                              
2    Jean Sinclair        WAOC                   retd                                                            

Score (16 controls)

Pos  Name                                        Time         Controls              Score

1    Anna Falk            WAOC                   44:45        16                    160
2    Ronny Falk           WAOC                   38:15        15                    150
3    Ben Holland          WAOC                   46:48        15                    140
4    Clare Woods (NC)     WAOC                   43:00        14                    nc
5    Andrew Stimson       WAOC                   46:10        13                    120
6    Tony Bishop          WAOC                   45:35        12                    120
7    Andy Rankin          WAOC                   47:55        12                    100
8    Ian Lawson           WAOC                   45:39        8                     80
9    Helen Bickle         WAOC                   52:50        13                    60
10   Wendy Gaisford       WAOC                   retd         map disintegrated               
11   Steve Capes          IND                    retd         map disintegrated               

Organiser's Comments

Thanks for braving the elements and helping make this event worthwhile. We were very pleased with the turnout considering the weather!

Despite the somewhat soggy description sheets that most of you (miraculously) managed to complete in the rain and bring back in one piece (or one lump anyway), we have been able to decipher these, and results are as attached.

The score course seemed to be about as difficult as intended, but the Line-O courses proved trickier than expected. In retrospect, we gave you too much choice - it would have been interesting to see how the score runners would have fared on the Line-O! Also, in retrospect, it would have been fairer if one or two of the trickier score controls had been worth more points.

The map is in the process of being updated and has definitely improved thanks to being able to compare with Google Earth, but there are still some distinctive trees on the map that seem to have meandered across the field and in some cases lost their distinction. Score course runners would be oblivious to this, but for the Line-O types, we hope these imperfections didn't spoil your run.

Peter, Sue and Clare Woods