Milton Country Park Sport in the Park Sunday, 26 July 2009
Yellow Orange

Organiser's Comments

WAOC was very pleased to be invited to put on an introductory orienteering event at the "Sport in the Park" activities day on Sunday 26 July. The weather was very pleasant with sunny spells and no rain! All the competitors seemed to enjoy their experience and we received many compliments from people who were trying the sport for the first time. Milton Country Park is an ideal venue for an introductory event aimed at beginners. It was great to see so many families and young children take part. We didn't expect to have as many as 70 groups tackle one of the two courses. Thank you all for your enthusiastic participation.

I must thank my helpers Hazel and Helen Bickle for their sterling work throughout the day at Registration and the Start, and Ian Lawson for manning the Finish. I also thank my son Adam for setting up the registration tent and checking all the controls on both courses before the first runners set off.

If you enjoyed this introductory event you may wish to find out more about WAOC and the events the club puts on throughout the year. You can do this easily by keeping an eye on this website.

Tim Mulcahy (WAOC)

Yellow Course
Pos    Name                         Age       Location             Time
1      Clarke                                                      7.10
2      Buttner Leader Family        5         Histon               10.58
3      De La Rocque Family          13        Milton               11.30
4      Asensi                                                      11.36
5      White family                 8         Milton               11.40
=6     Clay Family                  4         St Lukes             11.55
=6     Steel Family                                                11.55
8      Superkids                              Histon               12.06
9      Baldelli Family              9                              12.23
10     Morgan Family                5         Cottenham            12.30
11     Dipple Famiy                                                13.49
12     The Monkeys                  7         Castle Camps         14.05
13     Ruffell Ward Family          5         Cambridge            14.19
14     Brown family                 2         Waterbeach           14.57
15     Curtis Family                                               15.03
=16    Bloomfield Family            8         Elsworth             15.05
=16    Dyer Family                  7         Hardwick             15.05
18     Read Family                  3         Milton               15.43
19     Dellar Family                4         Swavesey             16.03
20     Pearson Family                                              16.15
21     You Family                                                  16.32
22     King Family                  9         Momey                17.06
23     Robinson Family              6         Godmanchester        17.50
=24    Morris Family                10        Histon               18.35
=24    Russell Family               12        Manor - Cambridge    18.35
26     Carey Family                 7         Girton               20.20
27     Lacey Family                 5         Markfield Park       20.40
28     Cornwell Family              6         Bar Hill             21.25
29     Martin Family                8         Histon               21.30
30     James Bradley + 1                                           21.55
31     Easey Family                 5         Waterbeach           22.04
32     Steele family                5         Milton               22.10
33     Wilson Family                2         Milton               23.02
34     Bennit Family                                               24.10
35     Matthew Bradley                                             25.30
36     Bedding Family               3         Scallywags           25.40
37     Harry Hurst                                                 29.03
38     Arabella Gingell + 1         5         Fen Ditton           48.15

Orange Course
Pos    Name                         Age       Location             Time
1      Tim & Roz Fitches                                           12.59
2      Frolich Family                         Cottenham            18.20
3      Steel Family                                                18.37
4      James Purvis                 14        IVC                  20.10
5      Sammy Cradock                                               20.20
6      Hayden & Jasmin                                             21.50
7      Connolly Family              11        Perse Boys           22.06
8      Pavlo Duma                                                  23.17
9      Hardy Family                                                26.17
10     Stephenson Family                                           26.42
11     Alexander Purvis             12        IVC                  27.09
12     Goodwin Family                                              28.55
13     Florence Family              6         Willingham           29.09
14     Mills Family                                                29.10
15     Dyer family                  7                              30.30
16     Lacey Family                 5         Markfield park       30.38
17     Sam & Co                     11        Cottenham            32.15
18     Leaman Family                                               32.21
19     Barker Family                                               33.29
20     Duma Family                                                 33.30
21     Chambers Family              4         Haslingfield         34.14
22     Superkids                              Histon               36.00
23     Bowening Family                                             36.40
24     Radka Family                                                37.21
25     Hewitt Family                                               38.40
26     Woolmer Family               5         Impington            39.25
27     The Monkeys                                                 41.01
28     Amiss Gallant Family         9         COttenham            47.21
29     Larmour Family                                              48.20
30     Holah                                                       50.08
31     Ben Frisk                                                   52.20
32     Siddle Family                9         Bassingbourne        76.50