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WAOC Membership Form

Please either print off the form below or download and print the form from a PDF. Then complete and send the form with your cheque/postal order (cheques made payable to WAOC) to:
Anne Duncumb, 5A Woollards Lane, Great Shelford, Cambridge CB22 5LZ

NB. Membership details are stored on a computer database, which is not accessible to other organisations. It is WAOC policy that all new members should join British Orienteering (the sub is £5/senior, £2.50/junior and gives a £2 discount on senior entry fees for main events).
Anne will send information about this and an application form with your WAOC membership card. New members joining WAOC and British Orienteering after Sept 1st get membership until December in the following year.

If you have any other queries about joining WAOC or British Orienteering, please contact Anne. She can be emailed at: memsec@waoc.org.uk

NAMES  SURNAME                  FORENAME                      YEAR OF BIRTH

1 ......................................................      (          )

2 ......................................................      (          )

3 ......................................................      (          )

4 ......................................................      (          )

5 ......................................................      (          )

ADDRESS ..................................................................



POST CODE .....................     TEL NO (inc code) ....................

EMAIL ADDRESS ............................................................

Do you agree to your email address being published in the WAOC        Yes/No
membership list? (printed copies sent to all members)

Are you new to Orienteering?                                          Yes/No

Are you a member of British Orienteering via another Club?            Yes/No
If 'Yes', 2nd Club name:                       BOF number:

Do you wish to receive occasional up-to-date information via the WAOC emailing
list? (addresses not disclosed to recipients)                         Yes/No

Do you wish to receive a hard copy of the Club magazine or to read it online?
                                                            Hard Copy/Online


Juniors (20yrs and under) + full time students                        £ 2.50
Seniors (21yrs and over)                                              £12.00
Family                                                                £12.00
Groups (e.g. Schools, Scouts)                                         £15.00

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