Jabberwaoc is under new management. After 3½ years pressure of work and domestic duties has compelled Neil Humphries to resign as editor of Jabberwaoc. I, on the other hand, having just got married, was on the lookout for some excuse to avoid domestic duties (when you're single you don't need any excuses, you just don't do them!), so the deal was done.
On behalf of the rest of the WAOC committee, I would like to thank Neil and Pauline for all the work both of them have put in to producing Jabberwaoc over the last few years. I hope I can match the high production standards they have set.
I have some ideas which I hope to try out over the next few months. First and foremost, there will be a much closer integration between Jabberwaoc and the WAOC website (as I manage that too!). Jabberwaoc will be published on the WAOC website at exactly the same time as it is distributed in the post and the printed copy will be virtually identical to the website copy. I hope to encourage as many of you as possible to receive Jabberwaoc electronically, saving the club postage costs, and me a lot of time distributing paper copies.
Another innovation will be to try to incorporate map extracts and photos in Jabberwaoc. This edition includes my first attempts at doing so. My apologies in advance if they don't reproduce too clearly - it'll probably take a few editions before we perfect the process.
Of course, in order to make Jabberwaoc an interesting read, we'll still need lots of interesting articles. Jabberwaoc does not have a dedicated team of journalists, and I'm not going to be writing all the articles myself, so I'll be making frequent pleas for contributions and probably button-holing you at events as well. A club magazine should be a club effort. Be warned: If I don't get sufficient contributions I won't be shy of producing a virtually empty edition containing just a fixtures list and a message saying "There are no articles in this edition because no-one sent me any."
So, what can you write about? Well anything really that you think might be of interest to other club members. Reports of orienteering holidays, or particular success at major events are very welcome. But how about you newcomers? What is it that you enjoy about local events? Perhaps you've just moved up a colour-grade and have suddenly found it much more challenging? Or maybe you've just had an excellent run and want to tell everyone about that really brilliant route-choice from control 6 to control 7. Well here's your chance. You can also use Jabberwaoc to send letters to the editor, commenting on how well you think the club, and the sport in general, is run. Do you think the club should run lots more small park-o and galoppen-type events? Or do you think the club is already overstretched and should just concentrate on five or six colour-coded events per year? For those of you in BOF, do you think BOF does enough for clubs, or is it too focused on elite orienteering? Perhaps you think there should be much more publicity for orienteering, and that a concerted effort should be made to get orienteering into the Olympics. On the other hand, you might think that publicity won't achieve much, that orienteering is already bursting at the seams and that modifying the sport to make it suitable for the Olympics and television coverage would kill it. Let us know!
But it doesn't have to be all about orienteering. How about news about Births, Marriages and Deaths (not too many of those, we hope). What other sports do you do? Anything to report there? Interesting holidays in rugged areas? Perhaps some of the juniors are taking important exams or going away to university. Use Jabberwaoc to tell everyone where you're going.
Articles can be submitted in most formats. The easiest way is to email them to me as simple text (.txt) documents. I can also handle Microsoft Word documents, although it is harder. Don't put any effort into formatting it nicely as I reformat everything anyway when I create the printed and website editions. You can also email me photos in .jpg format. If you haven't got email, you can send me a floppy disc. If all else fails, just send me your article on paper. It's far less convenient than electronically, as I'll have to type it all back in again, but I'd far rather do that than have no articles. Please contact me in advance before sending anything in any other format, so that you don't waste time preparing something I can do nothing with.
I look forward to receiving your reports .... Dave Wotton
Hello, everyone. We had a very good time at the AGM, but we missed (some of) you. We started earlier this year, had a couple of games for the young of all ages, which Anne Duncumb masterminded most expertly, whistled through the business meeting (well lubricated by the mulled wine) and then moved on to the presentations. I always like this bit best. It must be admitted that WAOC is not noted for the quality of its trophies and that lots of winners found themselves choosing between a creme egg and a coaster, but no-one seemed to mind, and we make up in quantity for what we lack in quality. Stop Press: The committee decided on Thursday to provide permanent pewter trophies for all WAGAL winners, including this year's. Watch this space for further details.
You will find the list of recipients elsewhere. Particular Thetford Thrash congratulations to Katy Woods, Katrin Sengerova and Alice Campbell who all completed the W10B course, to Juliet Vickery who won the Owl trophy for an absolutely stunning run in the W21L course on the Sunday and to WAOC for winning the Icenian Trophy which was presented to us at the AGM by Mark Collis of CUOC. It was lovely to see some new faces this year, and to see so many juniors having fun . Why not come and join in the fun next year?
Which brings me on to the Park-O series which we decided to run during the Foot and Mouth outbreak. Did you give it a try? Those who did found it to be well worth while. Our planners produced White, Yellow and Orange courses and then a long and short Norwegian, which could be run with a map or as Map Memory (a Norwegian has no master maps but bits of maps at controls which you can either copy onto your map or memorise - it is a good way of using small areas for long courses).
Huge thanks to Bruce and Maria Marshall who got all the land permissions, brought all the equipment each time, put up the club tent for registration and finish (nice any day and fantastic when it rains) and often ran the rather informal start as well. The club tent was well used: Youngsters gathered there having belted round the White course to wait for their parents who had puffed round something longer, oldsters hung round for a gossip, midsters waited around to help to bring in the controls when everyone had finished. Many thanks also to our stalwart planners who showed what can be done to accommodate orienteers of all abilities in city centre parks.
I had thought that the bluebells might be over in Fairlands Valley Stevenage but they were at their magnificent best and the weather was certainly on our side. It really is a versatile area: pity about the vandalism which was a particular problem on the Yellow and Orange courses. I do hope that it did not mar the enjoyment of the families who came to run in the Park-O and then stayed on for the junior training. If they enjoyed themselves half as much as the coaches did they will come again.
Blanka Sengerova, our Junior Captain, who was responsible for organising the Fairlands training, hopes that this will be the first of many training sessions. She will now have the help and support of Ian Smith, who has agreed to become our first Junior Development Officer. They would both love to hear from juniors and families about the sort of help they want and what they would like us to do about it.
Congratulations to Peter and Helen Gardner and Martin Humphries who have had all their hard work rewarded with selection for BOF Training tours this summer: Peter goes to Sweden, Helen to Glenmore and Martin to Lagganlia, so for the second year running WAOC has 3 juniors selected for summer training. Have fun: we are very proud of you.
Ursula Oxburgh
Mainly because of the Foot and Mouth situation, I have no results to report this time, but there is some news:
My news is that I am leaving the area in the summer to go to Oswestry with my wife's job. I have had a great time as Captain, mainly because everyone is so enthusiastic. The club is going from strength to strength in almost all of the age group areas, in times when many other clubs are diminishing. There is a great bunch of rising juniors and even the perennially weak W21 team is now taking shape.
Ian Renfrew will take over as captain from the summer. He has been giving me a good race ever since he joined the club in 1997. I am sure he can count on just as much support from the club as I had, and I wish you all success in the forests for years to come. I will see you at various events no doubt.
Ian Jones
WAOC Club O-tops are now available @ £14 ( + p&p 40p). A complete range of sizes (1 - 7) is now available. Junior sizes of O-tops do not carry VAT and so are likely to be £12. Club sweatshirts @ £12 (p&p £1 extra) They are plain black with a 7.5cm sq. WAOC motif. Sizes: S,M,L,XL. To order your WAOC garments just send your cheque and size requirements to: Anne Duncumb, [address and telephone removed from online edition] or email: Duncumb@Compuserve.com |
My preconceptions of the WAOC AGM actually turned out to be completely inaccurate. I had expected a typical AGM (i.e. sitting through about three hours of formal business) and as a relatively new member of WAOC (and quite new to orienteering) I didn’t really expect to know anyone there. When I arrived however, it seemed to be more like a party, with lots of young families there and everyone was taking part in games, with a fantastic smell of mulled wine and lots of food on the table!
The games were an excellent way of getting to know people. The first game involved asking everyone questions that were on a piece of paper and trying to complete them all, with a different name for each answer. With questions such as ‘Have you competed in more than 6 JKs?’ it was a good way to find out what these terms meant, even if I couldn’t answer any of the questions myself!
The team map jigsaw game was excellent for using either one’s memory (e.g. trying to remember what Rowney Warren looks like) or logic, to piece the bits of map together. The winning team were rewarded with Cadbury’s creme eggs for being particularly fast, and doing two maps more quickly than the other teams could complete one map, I think! The third game involved unscrambling 10 anagrams of control point descriptions and then matching the resulting descriptions with 10 points marked on a map. Easier said than done!
The formal part of the AGM and presentations went very efficiently and it was soon followed by the buffet and more socialising. All in all, it was a fun evening and good to meet some of the WAOC members whom I often bump into at the events.
Alison Cook
I'm sure that many of you, like me, have a collection of maps from recent
(and maybe not-so-recent) events, whether you use them to analyse your
performance in great detail, or just to remember time spent in the countryside
in glorious sunshine. But have you ever stopped to think where they came from?
Some, particularly for the biggest events, are made by one of the small number of professional mappers who travel all over the country, and they usually do a good job too. But the vast majority are made by ordinary club members, amateur in pecuniary terms if not in approach, who decide to devote a portion of their spare time to mapmaking. Why, I hear you ask? I can think of several reasons, and I'm sure others could add many more.
Firstly, the competitive side. The map is your most important navigation aid at an event, so by understanding how they are made, you will be able to appreciate what level of accuracy and detail can be expected. The compass and pacing necessary to place features on a map can improve your judgement of distance and direction. There are other benefits too - it is immensely satisfying to be able to look at a finished map and think, "I did that." And it's a very good excuse to spend lots of time outdoors on your own!
You've probably worked out where I'm heading by now. WAOC have a relatively small number of mapped areas for such a large club, which is why the same areas appear on the fixtures list year after year. While this is partly due to the lack of contours and forest in the region as a whole, there are some possibilities, and we need the manpower to exploit them.
So if you think you might be interested in helping with either updating one of our existing maps, or creating a new one, please let me know; absolutely no experience necessary, though please mention any that you do have. Also, suggestions for suitable new areas are welcome - is there an unmapped park in your town or city that could be used for a summer evening event?
For those without previous experience (or those that do and would like to sharpen up) we will be organising courses in both survey and cartography. If there is enough interest, we might be able to use the rest day of the Scottish 6-Days for some survey in interesting terrain, but in any case there will be the opportunity to take part in a local survey course in the autumn. There will be a computer-based cartography course later in the year, to show you how to use OCAD 7.
I look forward to hearing from you all.
Mark Collis (email: mwc22@cam.ac.uk)
The diagram shows the evolution of a map over the years, showing why we need to keep updating them! From top to bottom, this shows the same area of forest in 1982, 1985, 1992 and 2001.]
Date and time: | 17 March 2001 |
Venue: | St. Matthew's Church Hall, St. Matthew's Street, Cambridge |
Present: | Ursula Oxburgh (in the chair), Caroline Louth (Treasurer), Anne Duncumb (Secretary), Mike & Hazel Bickle, Julia Carpenter, Helen Christopher, Mark Collis, Alison Cook, Rolf Crook, Peter Duncumb, Mike, Nicola, Peter, Helen and Simon Gardner, Neil, Pauline, Martin & Philip Humphries, Ian Jones, Ian Lawson, Graham, Edward, Sophie and Thomas Louth, Bruce & Maria Marshall, Ron Oxburgh, Cath Pennington, Jitka, Blanka & Katrin Sengerova, Juliet Vickery, Peter, Sue, Clare & Katie Woods, Dave Wotton |
Apologies for absence were received from Barbara Bailey, Robert Campbell,
Lindsey Freeman, Hally Hardie, Roger Horton, Fred Northrop, Ian Renfrew.
There were no amendments to the minutes, which were then accepted by the meeting.
Proposer: D. Wotton Seconder: Caroline Louth.
There were no matters arising from the minutes.
At the end of her report, the Chairman made two presentations:
Tortoise trophy, for service to the Club was awarded to Ian Jones The Owl
trophy was awarded to Juliet Vickery, in recognition of her excellent run at
the second day of the Thetford Thrash.
Copies of the accounts, which had been examined by Chris Morley, were circulated. The Treasurer commented on the current healthy state of the bank balance. The loan made to the EAOA for SI cards is steadily being recouped as we hire out cards at WAOC events. After the Thetford Thrash it will be down to about £70. Mike Gardner asked about the substantial difference between membership subs received in 1999 and 2000. The membership secretary said that there was a drop of about 12 membership units overall in 2000, the actual money received in one year depends very much on whether members pay their subs at the end of the previous year, and on when BOF makes the payment transfers.
The accounts were accepted by the meeting.
Proposer: Mike Gardner Seconder: Peter Woods
The Chairman thanked Chris Morley for examining the accounts.
Chairman: Ursula Oxburgh was willing to serve for another year and was proposed as Chairman by Bruce Marshall and seconded by Sue Woods. There were no other nominations and Ursula was duly elected.
Secretary: No one had come forward to take on the job so far, Anne Duncumb said she was willing to continue for the time being and was proposed as Secretary by Hazel Bickle and seconded by Cath Pennington.
Treasurer: Caroline Louth was willing to continue for another year and was
proposed as Treasurer by Dave Wotton and seconded by Rolf Crook. There were no
other nominations and Caroline was duly elected.
WAGAL Champions 2000
Junior men: 1 Philip Humphries 2 Martin Humphries 3 Neil Northrop Junior women: 1 Clare Woods 2 Jennie Fenton 3 Blanka Sengerova Senior men: 1 Dave Wotton 2 Rolf Crook 3 Graham Louth Senior women: 1 Julia Carpenter 2 Barbara Bailey 3 Jean Sinclair Veteran men: 1 Neil Humphries 2 Mike Bickle 3 Roger Horton Veteran women: 1 Ursula Oxburgh 2 Sue Woods 3 Nicola Gardner
Summer Gallopen 2000
Junior men: 1 Martin Humphries 2 Neil Northrop 3 Edward Louth Junior women: 1 Blanka Sengerova 2 Katy Woods 3 Clare Woods Senior men: 1 Rolf Crook 2 Steve Hardy 3 Ian Jones Senior women: 1 Alison Cook 2 Carol Ottaway 3 Helen Cooper Veteran man: 1 Roger Horton 2 M Humphrey 3 Bruce Marshall Veteran women: 1 Lindsey Freeman 2 Noreen Ives 3 Maria Marshall
Participants in the Peter Palmer Junior relays
Helen Gardner Martin Humphries Neil Northrop Simon Gardner Clare Woods Leonie Brown Edward Louth Peter Gardner
Juniors progressing:
Alice Campbell, Jamie Taylor, Sophie Louth, Katrin Sengerova, Thomas Louth
British Schools Championships
1st Simon Gardner
No points were raised here.
Alternative events during the outbreak of Foot and Mouth
It is proposed that there should be a series of events on
Sunday mornings on areas that may still be open to us: e.g. Coldhams Common,
Coe Fen, Hinchingbrook, Ferry Meadows, Bedford Park - all subject to
permission. It was agreed that a provisional programme should be posted on the
website as soon as possible and that members on the club emailing list would
be circulated that way and the rest by post.
Summer evening series.
Hally Hardie asked for volunteers who
would be willing to put on events. Nicola Gardner commented that we would be
using the same small areas for the summer series as for the alternative Sunday
events. This was accepted as inevitable.
No other points were raised under AOB and the meeting was declared closed
Minutes taken by Anne Duncumb
This is a transcribe of Ursula's report which she presented at the meeting
Welcome to the WAOC AGM. It is particularly heartening to see so many of you, and particularly so many of our juniors, at a time when orienteering has been so badly hit by the foot and mouth epidemic. I will keep my report as short as possible so that we can have maximum time for discussion and food.
I can tell you again that your club is in very good heart. We have a strong (and strong minded!) committee, which continues to meet regularly and, as you probably realise, thrashes out very amicable solutions to a variety of problems. We always like to see new faces on the committee, so if you would like to be involved, get in touch with any member and we shall be delighted to welcome you.
As you will realise from the last Jabberwaoc, we are looking for someone to take over the Secretary half of Anne Duncumb's role, so that she has more time to devote to the membership side of her job. As Anne explained in Jabberwaoc, the Secretary's job is not too onerous, and Anne will be there to talk you into it.
Now that we produce updated, laser-printed maps for each event, the mapping job is really becoming very onerous. Our success on the map production side is due to Fred Northrop, who frequently updates the OCAD file, produces the course files to send to the printers and finally monitors the output very carefully to pick up any colour variations. Although our hard-worked planners do an excellent job in producing 'map correction' type updates to existing maps, we still need to re-map our areas on a regular basis and indeed to consider the possibility of mapping new areas. So we need a second mapping officer, with overall responsibility for mapping. Remember that you do not need to have all the expertise yourself, you just need to be looking ahead to see what has to be done. Talk to us about it. Volunteer.
Just a word about the East Anglian SPORTIdent e-punching. WAOC has made more use of this than any other club except possibly SOS. As a competitor I love it - don't you? It could not, however, be described as a user-friendly system to its administrators and we are very grateful to a number of people who have mastered it, and particularly to Neil Humphries, our database guru, who never lets it get him down and always comes out on top. He master-minded the Thetford Thrash e-caravan and has volunteered to do the same for the CompassSport Cup Regional Round at High Lodge when it finally comes off..
Weren't we lucky with the Thetford Thrash? Such dry terrain, so many runners (over 600 pre-entries and over 850 in total) such good courses, such good weather (as nearly promised in the fantastic flyers), particularly on the Sunday, making Wilf's particularly welcome. Above all, we and CUOC got our money-spinner in before the foot and mouth epidemic. Particular thanks to Rolf Crook for excellent publicity, to Steve Hinsh for planning Brandon when he didn't know what he was taking on, to Mark Collis (CUOC and WAOC) for planning AND organising Bromehill when he did only too well, to Bruce Marshall for organising Brandon with particular efficiency and to all of you who came, ran and helped.
I said that the club was in good heart, so what have we been doing?
Nearly everything. One of our strengths of WAOC is our age range. That is why I set such store by our winning the Icenian trophy, which Mark Collis is going to present later on, because it rewards strength in junior, senior and vet classes. We have successful oldies (Chris Morley, M60, had the highest ranking points of anyone in the club last year), a fantastic clutch of W45s (is clutch a good collective noun for W45s?) an increasingly impressive lot of M21 and 35s and now, very recently, a similarly impressive group of W21s who, I gather, work together and have decided that they want to run relays together. Our men now compete in the Premier relay which counts for the UK Relay League in which we were 13th last year and we had been hoping to enter teams in all the qualifying relays this year - foot and mouth has put a stop on that for the moment.
I still have not mentioned our juniors; we have many new faces among our junior WAGAL winners this time, which is fantastic and I am delighted to see that, particularly as I know that many of them have been orienteering for a number of years to get there. Our Peter Palmer team came 3rd in the Joan George trophy, which is competed for by teams of 8 with a combined age of less 180. They would have come 2nd had they not been heavily disadvantaged by a vandalised control.
Other years our Junior prizes have been dominated by the Gardners. Let me assure you that they are still active, but now on the national scene. They formed 3/8 of our Peter Palmer team. Helen again won the W14 class at the JK, again represented England in the Junior Home International, this time in Northern Ireland, and in the summer went to BOF training camp at Lagganlia, while Peter was at the M/W 16 camp at Aviemore. Along with Neil Northrop and Blanka Sengerova they ran for EAOA in both the Individual and Relay days of the Junior Inter-Regional Competition contributing to the best result ever for East Anglia; 1st in the Individual and 3rd overall. Again with Neil, Helen and Peter won the EA Junior Relay competition in June. One more family success: Simon won his class in the British Schools' competition, Helen came 2nd in hers and Peter 5th in his. Congratulations to Neil Northrop on a really successful year, both personally, qualifying for the M/W 18 camp at Grantown-on-Spey and also as Junior Captain, with thanks for his leadership of our juniors. He is not here today as he is working in the Alps during his gap year. Blanka Sengerova has now taken over as Junior Captain and is involved with the Committee in developing junior activities and a junior newsletter (the first copy of which has already hit your doormats). She is here tonight, so if you are a junior and Blanka does not know you, please find her at the end of the meeting and tell her who you are and what you like.
A special word to our hard-working juniors, particularly the EA Squad members. The foot and mouth epidemic is trying for us; we realise how much more frustrating it is for you, with your competitive season completely disrupted. Remember it is the same for all your rivals as well. Just stick with it; keep on with what training you can do. We know you can do it - we'll be shouting for you when you do.
A club is only as strong as its committee and I should like to thank everyone on the committee for everything they do for the club and in particular for all the support which they give me as chairman. They all do a fantastic job; I just need to mention a few by name.
Anne Duncumb is an absolute rock of a Secretary & Membership Secretary, always available on the end of a phone or by e-mail, very knowledgeable about club members new and old, always on time and prompting me as deadlines approach.
Bruce Marshall, our events convenor, ensures that all our events are planned, organised and controlled to the highest standard. It is a huge job finding officials for all our events but in addition to that Bruce uses his huge technical expertise to ease the problems of novice planners, update a map, do whatever needs doing to make events run smoothly. He organised our day of the Thetford Thrash most meticulously; no wonder everything ran like clockwork. I frequently turn to Bruce for information and advice and he never fails me.
Dave Wotton continues to maintain our excellent web-site and also to co-ordinate the club's most timely e-mail communication system, in addition to acting as Fixtures Secretary, which is a big job in itself. He and Julia have also taken our trophies in hand this year, so they now all have plaques with previous winners on them.
This brings me to Ian Jones, our very successful club captain. Ian came onto the committee at the same time that I became chairman. He has led the club from the front, raising the standard of his own orienteering to the extent that he has just started running M21Elite courses, at an age when most former Elite runners have moved down to M21L! Ian has challenged our juniors and led our seniors with considerable success. Now he is leaving us to live just on the Welsh side of the border near Oswestry. We are all very very sad to see him go; but I am delighted to tell you that Ian Renfrew is willing to take over as club captain.
There are really so many candidates for the Tortoise trophy, given for service to the Club over the past year. Because he has done so much to improve the club's performance in a variety of ways and because hi is now leaving us and so will not be eligible again, I am giving it to Ian Jones, reminding him that he will need to keep in touch at events and on his visits back east to return it in time for the next AGM.
The Owl trophy, given for the most improved orienteer over the last year was even more closely contested. As always, I consulted widely and then took none of the advice. It is very tough for our fantastic M21s that they are so good at the beginning of the year that great improvement is not possible. Dave Wotton, who has been running round the forests at great speed for many years, has suddenly started running into controls rather than round them (could his impending marriage to the Club Coach have anything to do with this?). A number of juniors have made great strides this year, but they have had their achievements rewarded in a variety of ways already.
In the end I am awarding the Owl to a fairly new club member for an absolutely outstanding run at Day 2 of the Thetford Thrash. She ran the W21L course with 8.11 K/min, and came 5th, with a comfortable Gold time. This may not seem too exceptional until I tell you that 1st was Kim Buckley, who runs for GB, 2nd was Rachael Elder who was helping that day in her GB tracksuit and that at 5th Juliet Vickery was the highest placed East Anglian W21. Then when I looked her up in the Membership List I discovered that she was already 37! So the Owl trophy goes to Juliet Vickery.
The "overall" position shows your final position across all competitors, with appropriate weightings given to BOF age class and courses ran, as calculated by Neil's cunning formula. The "2000" column shows your accumulated points over your four best runs.
Class winners, ie. WAOC age-category champions are shown underlined.
Many thanks to Neil Humphries for calculating the results throughout the year.
Junior MenPos Name Class Ev 2000 Overall 1 P Humphries M10 5 4058 (10) 2 M Humphries M14 5 3895 (19) 3 N Northrop M18 3 3192 (33) 4 S Gardner M12 3 2710 (45) 5 A Wright M14 3 2644 (46) 6 E Louth M10 3 2629 (47) 7 R Fenton M16 3 2203 (50) 8 P Wright M10 3 2024 (60) 9 Adam Taylor M10 2 1660 (77) 10 P Gardner M14 1 1000 (100) 11 J Booth M16 1 996 (102) 12 J Lawson M12 1 930 (122) 13 D Nicholson M10 1 904 (124) 14 J Taylor M10 1 876 (125) 15 G Taylor M10 1 757 (137) 16 A Smith M10 1 593 (146) 17 E Brown M14 1 580 (147) Senior menPos Name Class Ev 2000 Overall 1 D Wotton M35 5 4214 (3) 2 R Crook M21 4 4176 (5) 3 G Louth M35 5 4075 (8) 4 M Misson M21 4 3956 (17) 5 J Garner M21 5 3614 (25) 6 I Renfrew M21 3 3243 (31) 7 I Jones M21 3 3210 (32) 8 Tweedledee M35 3 3087 (36) 9 P Collins M35 3 3020 (38) 10 J Green M21 2 2066 (57) 11 S Williams M35 2 2061 (58) 12 M Collis M21 2 2055 (59) 13 A Eves M35 2 1791 (71) 14 P Kovari M21 2 1748 (72) 15 I Brennan M21 2 1705 (75) 16 G Watson M21 1 1073 (84) 17 S Horsler M21 1 993 (104) 18 T Howie M35 1 987 (107) 19 J Love M35 1 957 (116) 20 I Clayton M35 1 896 (127) 21 M Pride M35 1 888 (128) 22 R Gibbens M35 1 882 (129) 23 I Scott M21 1 827 (136) Junior WomenPos Name Class Ev 2000 Overall 1 C Woods W12 5 3759 (23) 2 J Fenton W16 3 2164 (51) 3 B Sengerova W16 2 2091 (55) 4 Helen Bickle W16 2 1910 (67) 5 J Pennington W14 2 1798 (69) 6 S Bickle W16 2 1568 (79) 7 H Gardner W14 1 1093 (82) 8 S Gash W14 1 1023 (95) 9 K Sengerova W10 1 834 (135) 10 S Louth W10 1 661 (144) 11 J Newton W18 1 622 (145) Senior WomenPos Name Class Ev 2000 Overall 1 J Carpenter W21 6 4035 (14) 2 B Bailey W35 4 3372 (29) 3 J Sinclair W35 3 2982 (40) 4 H Christopher W21 3 2828 (43) 5 S Speller W35 3 2725 (44) 6 C Judd W21 3 2628 (48) 7 V Pap W21 2 2107 (54) 8 M Roberts W35 2 1969 (64) 9 J Woodward W21 2 1709 (74) 10 P Bickle W20 1 1007 (98) 11 A Fox W21 1 1000 (101) 12 A Margrave W20 1 945 (118) 13 C Louth W35 1 933 (120) 14 S Matthews W21 1 844 (133) 15 S Orpin W21 1 690 (141) 16 L Robertson W35 1 556 (148) 17 S Owen W21 1 273 (151) |
Veteran MenPos Name Class Ev 2000 Overall 1 N Humphries M40 5 4372 (1) 2 M Bickle M50 5 4205 (4) 3 R Horton M50 4 4072 (9) 4 P Woods M40 4 4054 (11) 5 I Smith M40 5 4050 (12) 6 B Marshall M45 4 4003 (15) 7 T Wilson M45 5 3968 (16) 8 B Williams M50 4 3833 (20) 9 J Batten M50 4 3812 (21) 10 I Lawson M45 4 3684 (24) 11 C Bell M45 5 3440 (27) 12 A Harries M45 5 3288 (30) 13 F Northrop M50 3 3104 (35) 14 R Oxburgh M60 3 3032 (37) 15 Tweedledum M40 3 3013 (39) 16 M Pinnock M40 3 2881 (41) 17 M Gardner M40 3 2332 (49) 18 C Morley M60 2 2157 (52) 19 Mike Capper M40 2 2153 (53) 20 T Mulcahy M45 2 2076 (56) 21 Maurice Capper M75 2 2021 (61) 22 J Beadle M50 2 1997 (62) 23 P Howsam M45 2 1993 (63) 24 N Woodcock M50 2 1956 (65) 25 B Hill M40 2 1929 (66) 26 A Owen M40 2 1859 (68) 27 B Newton M45 2 1791 (70) 28 C Page M45 2 1744 (73) 29 P Pennington M50 2 1624 (78) 30 K Seymour M40 2 1536 (80) 31 C Fenton M55 2 1433 (81) 32 Adrian Taylor M45 1 1088 (83) 33 C Thorne M60 1 1070 (85) 34 D Peregrine M60 1 1065 (86) 35 M Liston M45 1 1064 (87) 36 C Curtis M60 1 1053 (88) 37 C Brown M45 1 1050 (89) 38 R Harrison M50 1 1036 (92) 39 P Ryall M50 1 1011 (97) 40 D Jones M45 1 1003 (99) 41 H Hardie M55 1 997 (103) 42 M Brackpool M50 1 990 (105) 43 C Convine M45 1 986 (108) 44 D Green M45 1 985 (110) 45 T Wilkinson M45 1 983 (112) 46 P Derwent M55 1 983 (111) 47 J Saxl M50 1 980 (113) 48 S Hardy M45 1 977 (114) 49 D Snow M40 1 963 (115) 50 G Mayley M40 1 950 (117) 51 J Hawkins M45 1 936 (119) 52 C Markham M40 1 932 (121) 53 J Byford M40 1 900 (126) 54 P Hill M45 1 835 (134) 55 P Firman M45 1 751 (138) 56 J Greenway M40 1 714 (139) 57 G Cole M50 1 686 (143) 58 D Saunders M40 1 442 (150) Veteran WomenPos Name Class Ev 2000 Overall 1 U Oxburgh W65 5 4254 (2) 2 S Woods W40 5 4114 (6) 3 N Gardner W40 4 4080 (7) 4 M Batten W50 5 4037 (13) 5 M Marshall W45 5 3916 (18) 6 C Pennington W45 4 3799 (22) 7 Hazel Bickle W45 4 3441 (26) 8 P Fenton W40 4 3398 (28) 9 L Freeman W45 3 3167 (34) 10 A Duncumb W65 3 2833 (42) 11 J Howsam W45 2 1675 (76) 12 N Ives W45 1 1044 (90) 13 R Saxl W50 1 1038 (91) 14 S Peregrine W55 1 1032 (93) 15 J Ryall W45 1 1027 (94) 16 A Jones W45 1 1022 (96) 17 J Sengerova W40 1 990 (106) 18 L Gash W40 1 984 (109) 19 H Andrews W55 1 908 (123) 20 S Farnbank W70 1 872 (130) 21 R Thomas W45 1 866 (131) 22 L Snow W40 1 851 (132) 23 C Hill W45 1 705 (140) 24 W Newton W45 1 689 (142) 25 S Wright W40 1 548 (149) |
The EAGAL is the "East Anglian Galoppen", a competition rather similar to WAOC's WAGAL, although scored slightly differently. There were eight EAGAL events in 2000 throughout the region, and the competition is open to all East Anglian club members. As with the WAGAL, participation is a key factor.
This year WAOC had 15 EAGAL age class champions out of a maximum possible 32:
Class Points Name M10 300 Philip Humphries M14 400 Martin Humphries M18 376 Neil Northrop M21 333 Rolf Crook M40 394 Neil Humphries M60 400 Chris Morley M65 400 Colin Curtis M75 200 Maurice Capper |
Class Points Name W10 150 Katrin Sengerova W12 384 Claire Woods W18 227 Blanka Sengerova W20 100 Viktoria Pap W21 373 Julia Carpenter W40 338 Sue Woods W45 313 Maria Marshall |
Congratulations to all our EAGAL winners!
There are two new WAOC members to whom we offer a warm welcome and the hope that you will enjoy your orienteering with us.
Julie Ferris from Wicken, Ely Laura Lacey from Ramsey
As usual, there will be a club dinner at the Scottish 6-days to which all WAOC members (and their guests) are welcome. Venue: Moorlands Hotel, Corpach, Fort William Date: Wednesday 8th August Time: 19:00 for 19:39 hrs (remarkably precise these Scots! - probably a typo) Menu: Main Course c £6.00. Booking: Places need only be booked the day before. Booking sheets will be available in the club tent. |
The following list of events is derived from the BOF Fixtures list dated 17th June 2001, together with currently unregistered (and therefore provisional) events from the East Anglian region which have been notified to the East Anglian Fixtures Secretary.
Although the Foot and Mouth crisis is now receding, all events are still at risk of cancellation at short notice, so you are strongly advised to contact the organiser to confirm an event is still on before travelling any distance. In the event of any WAOC events being cancelled (unlikely), we'll use the WAOC website and WAOC mail-list to alert as many people as possible.
Colour Coded events normally have registration from 10:00 to 12:00 with
starts from 10:30 to 12:30. Full Colour Coded events include courses from Yellow
to Brown and will normally have a White
Badge events provide age related courses and normally require pre-entry. If entry on the day (EOD) is possible it will normally be restricted. A limited range of Colour Coded courses may also be available; these will normally be entry on the day. Club members are welcome at Badge events although they are expected to become BOF members after attending 3 events outside their region. SEF indicates that a standard BOF entry form is acceptable.
National events are only open to BOF members. Details of BOF membership can
be obtained from the membership secretary, Anne Duncumb
Night event details vary considerably; it would be advisable to check with the event organiser.
Births: none, as far as I know. Deaths: also none, as far as I know. Marriages: OK, so this is blowing my own trumpet - but if you haven't already heard through the grapevine, Julia Carpenter and I were married on April 8th. Julia has changed her name to Julia Wotton, but will continue to compete in orienteering events for the remainder of this year as Julia Carpenter, until her BOF registration is renewed in January 2002.
Just a reminder that I (Dave) maintain a mail-list of WAOC members with email addresses which is used to broadcast event reminders, requests for lifts, corrections to Jabberwaoc and late-breaking news. If you've got access to email, it's a good way of keeping up with the news.
The mail-list is fairly low-volume, usually only two or three emails per month. The email addresses are kept confidential: I don't divulge them to anyone else without permission, although, for convenience, one or two other committee members are able to send broadcast emails to the mail-list, without seeing the list of recipients.
Currently about half of all club members are on the email-list, but if you're not already on it, email me and I'll add you to the email list, or answer any questions you may have about it.
Dave Wotton
The Foot and Mouth crisis completely decimated the Spring Orienteering season this year with virtually no colour-coded, badge or national events taking place from February onwards. After considerable debate within the WAOC committee, we decided to host a series of "Park-O" events on Sunday mornings, to fill the gap. Obviously, this was only done with the full permission of the land-owners and other interested parties. There was limited publicity for these events, to avoid attracting competitors from far afield, which would have opened us to the accusation of encouraging people to travel from infected areas to non-infected areas. The events were only advertised via the WAOC email-list and a mail-shot to those not contactable electronically.
On average, 37 competitors took part in each event, which is pretty successful for small events with little publicity. Full results are on the WAOC website: http://www.waoc.org.uk.
The WAOC summer gallopen is a series of low-key summer evening events, taking place on Wednesday evenings. Starts will usually be from 6:00pm to 7:30pm, but you are advised to check this beforehand. The format of the events will vary from event to event: Some may be the usual, "follow a course" format (but with only two or three courses), some may be score events (where you have to locate as many controls as you can in a limited amount of time), and others may have devious variations (eg. brown-only maps, with only the contour features marked on them.)
Courses should be suitable for all age groups, except perhaps the very young. If in doubt, it may be prudent to contact the planner/organiser beforehand.
There is a small entry fee: £1-50 for adults, 50p for juniors
The events comprise a league, with probable prizes for the league winners in each age category.
Date | Venue | Organiser | ||
June 13 | : | Coldham's Common, Cambridge | Rolf Crook | |
June 20 | : | Milton Country Park, Cambridge | Bruce Marshall | |
June 27 | : | TBA | Volunteers anyone? | |
July 11 | : | Coe Fen, Cambridge | Mark Collis | |
July 18 | : | Rowney Wood, Saffron Walden | TBA | (provisional) |
July 25 | : | Harlton Clunch Pits, Harlton | Ian Renfrew | |
Aug ?? | : | Rowney Warren | Steve Williams | (provisional) |
Aug ?? | : | Hinchingbrook Park | Hally Hardie | (provisional) |
Hally Hardie
INVITATIONUrsula Oxburgh, WAOC Club Chairman, and the Louth family invite you to WAOC's MIDSUMMER MADNESSonSATURDAY 30 JUNE
If you can't manage the event at Cherry Hinton Hall, then just come to the barbecue. We hope lots of you will - we should just like to know how many strawberries to pick! RSVP to: Louth Family or Ursula Oxburgh [address removed from [address removed from online edition] online edition] (phone: 01223 xxxxxx (phone: 01223 xxxxxx |
Follow this link to Junior Jabber, June 2001 edition